Prototype Summary

It looks like the post was interrupted before being finished.  We need to go a level deeper on flushing out the ideas and how to invite open communication around them.  When prototyping the ideas, you want to invite a discussion around possibilities.  If a 3-on-3 basketball tournament came up as an answer to the challenge of engaging more teens, how do you design it to be the most amazing and sought after tournament?  What does the ‘entice’ look like?  The ‘enter’, ‘engage’, ‘exit’, and ‘extend’.  And can  you take that idea back a level and present the teens with a menu of different activities they could do at the club and let them rank order what they’d like to do?  So think about how will you render the ideas your team has come up with to invite feedback.  Cards with images to rank order?  A flyer mock up?

For the bus route piece, that is a business discussion.  What is the new-to-the world innovation to solve this?  Add some creativity around the transportation issue.