Business Model Canvas


Key Partners




Key Activities

-Assign students to a cluster

-Assign a teacher/faculty to each group

-Assign student leaders

-Carry out program

-Revise and improve program every year

Value Propositions

-Integrate freshman into the school

-Increase school pride

-Allow students opportunities to lead

-Increase student involvement in Clay

-Inform students about activities and happenings at Clay

-Give students more of a voice in how the school runs

Customer Relationships

-Feedback loop from students

-Surveys and meetings throughout

Customer Segments

-Potential incoming students

-Transfers and new students

-Existing Clay students

Key Resources

-Classroom time for groups to meet

-Software to track or manage the program

-Apparel/wristbands to help identify groups

-Teacher/faculty supervisor


-First day, meet clusters

-Weekly meetings (homeroom)

-Email blast to leaders with agenda for each meeting

Cost Structure

-Salary for counselor/program leader

-Extra pay to teachers that support the program

Revenue Streams

-Increased enrollment due to competitive advantage