Expert Interview with Peter Lombardo (Director of Community Learning at Center for the Homeless)

We received feedback on our recommendation from Peter Lombardo, the Director of Community Learning at the Center for the Homeless.

Date: May 2, 2017

Location: LaFortune, University of Notre Dame

Team Participants: Matt McCormick, Paul Cepak, Sarah Riehl, and Yuwei Tu


  • Housing First will require rent, but guests can receive grants
  • Toochi is a synthetic marijuana that as become common in South Bend
  • Center for Homeless doesn’t allow current drug users, so it will refer them to Life Treatment Center, which has residential options for patients



  • Peter recommends having 2 professional counselors at Housing First, along with interns (possibly from ND’s Psychology Masters and PhD students)
  • 2 Steps: Identify those who will stay at Housing First, then connect the appropriate social worker to them
  • Prioritize the mentally ill at Housing First, because they are often targeted and taken advantage of on the streets