Ethnographic Research Feeback

Excellent work team!  You have two expert interviews complete.  For other interviews, please conduct the interview in context if possible.  It would be helpful to have the expert show you how they find information they need or complete certain tasks.  Or to show you how they believe patients/users complete certain tasks.  When in context the AEIOU framework you started to use to capture your Starbucks interview will make a lot more sense.  This also would give you meaningful photos.  I like that your team provided a Google link to the more-depth interview.

The immersion was spot on!  Actually waiting for the bus and feeling those struggles really helps you to connect with a user.  And nice job with the empathy around the length of time the trip took, the price of the ride, and the fact that the user may be not feeling well or have physical challenges complicating their process.  Was the return trip home similar?  Were the trip times consistent and convenient?