Interview with Volunteer Services at Saint Joseph Regional Medical Center

Joe, accompanied by Alex, visited the office of Volunteer Services at Saint Joseph Regional Medical Center (Hospital) in order to determine what roles the volunteers play in terms of transportation for patients. The team members spoke with Cari Wilson, Director of Volunteer Services, as well as Robert, one of the daily volunteers. In talking with Cari, the team discovered that there are multiple resources for patients to use in order to get to the center, but some of the time they simply are not aware of those services. For instance, a patient may not be aware that the Transpo bus runs every hour to and from the hospital. Rob, who works at the front of the building welcoming people, informed the team that it is very rare for a patient to come to the hospital and then face a transportation problem leaving the hospital. This is because, in most cases, patients will not come to the center without planning their travels beforehand. The ethnographic summary of the interviews is attached below, along with a few pictures pertaining to the interviews.

Ethnography-Volunteer Services