Expert Interview with Paul Go (Soup Kitchen Volunteer)

Ethnography Summary: Yuwei Tu, Paul Cepak, and Amanda Berusch interviewed Paul Go about his perspective on the homeless situation in South Bend. Paul has been volunteering weekly at the soup kitchen for 5 years, preparing meals and serving the homeless.


Location: Downtown Soup Kitchen at First United Methodist Church

User Characteristic: Retired ND employee, middle aged

Key Takeaways:

-Many homeless don’t operate well in the normal society, don’t want to be around other people

-Mental disorder and alcohol/drug abuse big problem

-Not many people use shelters, because they are comfortable where they are

-Wood crafters in Grand Rapids that provides employment for homeless, could be opportunity for South Bend

-Homeless take advantage of resources like food stamps, but not so much job placements


“They don’t like normal jobs. They don’t want to.”

“We have resources associated with Memorial Hospital, and they do a very good job.”

“As long as they’re not harm to others, in a sense they are allowed to sleep in tents. So what the city can do, is they can open up places like this…to at least give some warm.”