Interview write-up

Profile of participant

Name: Peter

Age: 30

Homeless status: on and off since teenage years

Employment status: unemployed

Location: Kraz Weather Amnesty Building

Date of Interview: February 16, 2017


Key Takeaways

He had a relatively stable background, both this parents were in the military and he his grandfather was a successful screen writer.

Has been in South Bend since last November and before that was travelling throughout the US.

His military background allowed him to travel and live in many different locations.

His life experiences have a huge influence o his personality and character. The vast amount of tattoos he has tell many different stories about his life.

(In response to what does a typical day look like for you)

“Hanging with a couple buddies, just try and get a little money and do whatever”

“I like to travel; I don’t have a home base. Its tough but my life wouldn’t make sense to me if it was any other way.”