Expert Interview

Interviewed Robin Cooley, Vice President of Affordability, Medicare, Retirement, & Behavioral Solutions @ Optum Health.

Date: 3/3/17

Type: Interview

Location: Phone Call

Team Participants: Conducted interview alone

User Characteristics:  “Mental Health Expert”

Robin Cooley

Female: Middle 60’s

Memorable Quote from Interview: “Of retired population 10% is over 85. By 2030 30% of population over 65 will be over 85”

Top 3 Learnings:

  1. 16% of retired populations is affected by mental illness
  2. People will be living with Neurocognitive disorders for much longer than ever before as life expectancies increase.
  3. Life coaching for mental illness (Peer one on one)
    1. When retired people feel like they lose their sense of purpose because they cannot work

Key Insight – (1) There are not adequate care facilities in place to combat the “Silver Tsunami” as more of the retired age population will be dealing with mental illness than ever before. (2) Peer to peer coaches helps retiree’s get back into activities they used to do before being retired. This helps renew their sense of meaning.


  • Robin Cooley