Card Sort Activity

Conducted Card Sort with Bob Freund to learn about how he likes to spend his free time.

Date: 3/6/17

Location: Morningside Memory Care Center

User: Bob Freund

User Characteristics:

Male, Age 67

Previous Occupation: Heavy Machinery Worker (25 years)

From: South Bend, IN

Topic: Things You Like to Do

  1. Television
  2. Work
  3. Go Outside
  4. See Friends
  5. Cook
  6. See Family
  7. Other


  • “We just watch TV. We Don’t do much of the others”
  • “I like to cook (spaghetti, scallions) a lot, but do not do that anymore.”
  • “I also enjoy seeing friends”
  • “I enjoy getting fresh air, but like fishing outdoors”
    • Started when he was much younger
    • Had boat up in lake Michigan
    • Caught Salmon
      • Can’t remember top for breeds of Salmon
      • Biggest catch, can’t remember exact size


  • User was not very talkative, it was hard for him to point to the cards.
  • User also had trouble telling stories as the most important pieces were generally forgotten.
    • Fragments of the story were there, but it was hard to recall details