Design Brief/Journey Map

Journey Map


Design Brief- St. Joseph Health Systems



  • Project Description
  • The purpose of this project is to find a method to help individuals living in poverty in South Bend get access to the vital health services they need within St. Joseph’s Health System by making transportation services more accessible and affordable.


  • Intent/Scope
  • Help people in poverty get consistent and reliable transportation to crucial medical services in the city of South Bend.
  • Opportunities: health insurance coverage, transpo bus routes, hospital shuttles, hired taxis  


  • Exploration Questions
  • What are the reasons that those living in poverty cannot reach SJHS? 
  • How much can health insurance (ex. Medicaid) cover rides for individuals?
  • How will this project be funded and who will it be funded by?
  • What have other cities done with similar situations?
  • What are the typical days of our target users?


  • Target Users
  • Low income residents without access to transportation for medical services


  • Research Plan
  • Interview medical professionals
  • Interview patients in low income areas
  • Observe and analyze what similar medical/ health institutions do to provide transportation services
  • Research federal and local legal aspects


  • Expected Outcomes
  • Expect to discover opportunities to cater to most impoverished residents
  • Identify specific impoverished neighborhoods or geographic areas in South Bend that seriously lack transportation for medical services
  • Improved transportation will result in a healthier population
  • Improved transportation will lower emergency room costs and visits


  • Success Metrics
  • Population health, less emergency room visits, long term savings from healthier population, community’s approval
  • Decrease in the number of missed appointments
  • Usage and exposure of the program


  • Project Planning
  • Our team will conduct research in an attempt to solve our exploration questions over the course of the current semester. We will do so by following our research plan and evaluating the set success metrics frequently.  Interviews will be conducted with SJHS employees and target users in South Bend communities.