Teacher Feedback

Dianna Christopher and I have been talking since the ND students came to Clay – the English hallway is really very drab – certainly not reflective of the “Arts Magnet” school.  She wants to do some projects this year to display some literature related art and I definitely encourage her to do so….but I’ve had another thought, as well:

I remember years ago – Joe was thinking about having someone come in a paint book spines up above that cork strip in our hallway – for all the books that we read and for all the classics.  But I think it was going to be pretty expensive (which is why it was never done).  Wouldn’t it be something if we could somehow get our art students( and teachers) to coordinate efforts to do that – maybe even include some illustrations/murals? Especially from well-known books (like Alice in Wonderland, for instance).  I mean – the English department could purchase the supplies – let the art students/teachers plan, sketch and paint 🙂  What do you think?

Teacher Feedback

Mr. Eid,

The faculty meeting Thursday was well worth the hour spent attending.  One of the best I’ve attended.  It addressed a very important and valid issue.  The Notre Dame groups were very informative and well worth hearing.
Declining enrollment is something we really need to address, both in our own individual academic areas and together as a group.  When students succeed and feel good about themselves both academically and personally then we as a family have accomplished a most important goal:  preparing a young person to succeed in their life’s journey..
If there is anything you need me to do to help facilitate positive progress on this issue, let me know.  I am willing to help in any way I can.
In my first year at Clay I have seen that the success of each student is number one because everyone cares.  That’s what family is all about no matter what the challenge. Sometimes we stumble individually but together we succeed.
Mr. Sweeney

Clay Teacher Feedback

Mr. Eid
The Notre Dame students did a fantastic job,   thorough and highly informative.
I am excited to help in any way to promote and present the hidden treasures here at Clay to our community.
Will there be a committee?
My favorite topic is CTE and the needed  girls bathroom facelift! I have some ideas to spruce up the hallways – one being enclosing the bulletin boards to prevent damage.plexiglass covering.
I am willing to help!
I love it here at Clay and although I am newer, can attest to the wonderful faculty;  administration and spirit of caring loyal family here,
sincerely ,
Louise Melander BS, RDH, CDA
Dental Careers
Career & Technical Education Instructor
Clay High School

Prototype Feedback

Solution 1: Animal Volunteering

  • Positive feedback
    • Provide more incentives (i.e. bus passes) in exchange for volunteering
    • Every user we interviewed strongly liked the idea
    • Unique solution, unlike any current service provided
  • Negative feedback
    • May need more of an incentive to volunteer (i.e. bus passes)

Solution 2: Mentor Program

  • Positive feedback
    • Some users thought they would only connect with the mentor if they had previously been homeless/drug addict
    • Some users are not looking to connect with people one-on-one
    • Some users were hesitant that the relationship would be “artificial” and “forced”
  • Negative Feedback
    • Most users did not have strong reactions to the idea – neither loving nor hating it

Solution 3: Exercise

  • Positive feedback
    • Younger user (age 22) liked the idea of having an instructor
  • Negative feedback
    • Old male user (age 49) liked the idea, but wanted to work out alone, not in a class
    • Most users believed it would be intimidating and lacked interest in trying it
    • Most users did not value exercise


Prototype Summary

Take your concepting down a level.  What are the specific user needs each idea is addressing?  How can you break down the concepts to engage with the user’s around what works and invite them to create new ideas.  Keep in mind the 5E’s so that you can understand best ways to Entice the user, Engage, etc.

For the Evaluation matrix, you will want to break out the aspects of each prototype to score the value.  For example with the counseling network, is it better to have the counseling offered in a group or one-on-one?  Should the setting be at the Center for the Homeless or other locations?  If you can score each aspect of the solutions as each team members takes the prototypes out for feedback, you will be able to collectively determine which aspects of each idea are strongest and explore ways to build on those.

*Just like with your ethnographic research, you will want to capture video, photos, and direct quotes.

For the 5E’s, remember for each idea how your user is “enticed”.  This is a big hurdle of how you will compel participation.  Implementation of ideas is always the toughest part!

Prototype Summary

To be sure you get meaningful feedback, go deeper on the ideas.  What is the need you are addressing for the individual?  A feeling of control?  Peace of mind?  Connectivity?  How do your ideas propose to meet these needs for individuals?  You want to test how you meet the need, and less of a focus on the actual thing.  How can you invite interaction and discussion with your user base?  And keep in mind as you begin capturing prototype feedback that just like with your ethnographic research, you will want to capture video, photos, and direct quotes.

For the 5E’s, remember for each idea how your user is “enticed”.  This is a big hurdle of how you will compel participation.  Implementation of ideas is always the toughest part!

Prototype Summary

Good job with outlining the various scenarios.  For the class the game of Life came to mind.  Perhaps that could be a good way to explore how to have the discussion and explore the potential paths for your two user groups?

With the social profile it will be important to understand the information that renters would need to see to find value in the system.  I know reliable funding is key, but what else?  And perhaps this could be a service that Imani offers to help individuals keep it up to date?

*Just like with your ethnographic research, you will want to capture video, photos, and direct quotes.

For the 5E’s, remember for each idea how your user is “enticed”.  This is a big hurdle of how you will compel participation.  Implementation of ideas is always the toughest part!

Prototype Summary

You have outlined some great learning opportunities.  Great job!  For the 5E’s, remember for each idea how your user is “enticed” to engage with the solution.  This is a big hurdle of how you will compel participation.  Implementation of ideas is always the toughest part!  And just like with your ethnographic research, you will want to capture video, photos, and direct quotes.