
  1. My friend forgot the cap to her camera lens so she used a hair tie and a glass cleaner sheet in order to cover the lens.

2. I did not have a stand or desk to charge my computer, so I used the extra chair in my room to improvise.

3. A friend of mine did not have a big enough hanger in order to dry her rug, so she used the apartment balcony instead.


Workaround Opportunities

I use my AC/Heat unit to dry my shower shoes in between uses!

Here, I use a binder clip to squeeze all of the paste from this overpriced tube of toothpaste that I purchased from the huddle.


This is a bit more abstract – my roommate and I used the modular furniture in Keough differently to create a multipurpose desk and closet with extra storage on top. Normal set up is to the right… my setup is the one that is delofted. Feels more spacious, believe it or not!



1 – When coloring in the edges of the post-it note, I noticed the ink was staining through the paper and on to the table. So I decided to use my backpack (which is already black) to write on.


2 – We were ready to drink some wine and eat some cheese when we realized we had nothing to cut the cheese with, so we used the side of the wine wine opener as a knife.


3 – Three people had to share a single shower and by the end, the last person usually had to step out into a really wet and slippery bathroom floor. We asked for an extra towel and used it as a bathroom mat. Reenactment.



Workaround #1 – While home brewing beer with my dad, we needed a faster way to cool down the boiling mixture so we set the pot up in a bucket with lots of ice and cold water circulating through via a hose.

Workaround #2 – When we kegged our home brewed beer, we did not have a compatible spout for the keg (since the CO2 tank did not allow a traditional keg tap to be attached). So we cut the hose and spout off of a traditional pony tap and fastened it directly to the keg.


Workaround #3 – In order to keep my toothbrush from resting on the sink counter, I put it on the ledge above the mirror where it does not touch anything. This is necessary because of how small my counter top is.


Workaround #4 – While driving back to South Bend from Florida, I saw these two guys driving and they presumably did not have working blinkers. I realized this was a workaround when the man in the back seat would use his arm to signal to the other cars that they would be changing lanes.

Innovation Opportunities

Clipped my life vest to my paddle board so it wouldn’t wash away while I was laying out on the sand.

Man selling items on the streets of Old San Juan uses a cement barricade as his table.

My nephew is trying to kiss me through the iPad when I FaceTimed with him from San Juan, Puerto Rico.

A restaurant’s sign is attached to a street post with a thin MasterLock to prevent it from getting stolen/blown away by the wind.

Before leaving for Spring Break I stayed the night at my friend’s sister’s apartment in Chicago. I was too short to fold the blanket by myself so I used the bay window seat to help me fold it.


  1. Using an empty coffee container to store cooking utensils

2. Using a cup to keep the brush part of my toothbrush from touching the countertop

3. Using a wine glass I got on a plane as a candle holder

Gallery Day Reflection

Gallery Day was a great experience for our team. For some of our team members it was their first time meeting our project sponsor, Debra. Debra brought her coworker Bayey and an intern Andy with her to our exhibit. The three of them were impressed with the amount of work we had done in a relatively short amount of time. Our team had difficulty getting a start on the project because we lacked clarity on the objective of the project and the work that Imani Unidad did in the community.

We walked Debra, Bayey, and Andy through the ethnographic research and interviews that we had conducted and highlighted the insights that we had drawn. We came to a consensus that we would prepare visual graphics for Imani Unidad to use as marketing materials. Debra, Bayey, and Andy left us with some helpful suggestions as we finish up the last of our ethnographic research. We will be reaching out to other property management persons to conduct interviews similar to what we did with managers of student housing properties.

What was most helpful, however, was attending a Peer to Peer group meeting at Imani Unidad on Wednesday evening after Gallery Day. We got to talk with individuals who Imani Unidad was trying to help and hear first-hand accounts from the difficulties they faced in trying to reenter society after being released from incarceration.

Life Hacks

Work arounds at home and in my dorm room. 

Work Around #1

This work around is a towel over the gates for our dogs, so the gates do not scratch the walls.


Work Around #2 

To prevent our dogs from scratching the rug, our family placed rugs over the nicer rug for our dogs to walk and sleep on. (Benji on the right and Franklin on the left).


Work Around #3

Instead of using hooks to place our flags on a standard wall, I cut slits onto the sides without holes to hang the flags on the ceiling. This allowed us to have more flags hanging in our common room.

Life Hacks

  1. I placed my phone against a stack of papers and folders so I was able to watch videos on my phone.

2. I use a cup so that my toothbrush stays straight up and the brush part does not touch the counter.

3. I use a small plastic bag as a liner because my trash can does not have one.