Life Hacks – Spring Break

Did not have tape so placed band-aid over a Flonase Cap so that the cap would remain on the nose spray.

Hung bathing suit on upper shower rack so that it would dry without getting other objects/surfaces wet.

Wrapped moisturizer in a plastic bag in addition to closing the moisturizing nozzle to reduce the risk of moisturizer getting on other clothes in a suitcase while traveling.


Workaround #1: Using clips to pin posters to the wall (so you don’t have to put holes in the poster)

Workaround #2: Using the electric panel as a necklace holder

Workaround #3: Using a plastic shot glass to keep the sunscreen from spraying in his bag.

Gallery Day Reflection

Presenting our research to our partners at the City of South Bend was definitely insightful for us, as they pointed out areas where there were gaps in our research or areas that we should focus more on. For example, we had mostly interviewed white males, and Cherri thought it would be interesting to have a greater range of interviewees that includes African Americans and women. In addition, they pointed us to other resources that the homeless population in South Bend has at its disposal, such as St. Margarets House. Using their advice, it will be interesting to see where our research goes in the future and the conclusions we reach based on a broader range of evidence.


Main Takeaways:

  • Focus on one subset of the population instead of trying to tackle the issue of homelessness as a whole
  • Research a wider range of homeless individuals
  • Define homelessness
    • Think about income stability, support system, etc.
  • Use ethnographic research and statistics, sometimes the people themselves can be misleading


Memorable Quote:

“If I gave _____ a home to live in rent free, would that make him not homeless anymore?”- Suzanna

Gallery Day Reflection

My team met with Michelle Peters  (the Community Benefit Ministry Officer and Director Community Health and Well-being for Saint Joseph Health System) on Gallery Day. We walked her through the progress that we have made so far with our SJHS project by outlining my team’s research, interviews, immersions, and other enthnographies.  Michelle has greatly aided us in our SJHS project to help patients receive better transportation to their respective doctors appointments. We discussed the current problem with patient transport and potential ways to fix it.  Proper funding, organization, and patient compliance were three main factors involved in our project that Michelle and our team spent time discussing.

Main Takeaways:

  • Issues with transportation is costing the Saint Joseph Medical Center a lot of inconveniences and financial losses.
  • There are certain services that are currently help alleviate this issue of patient transportation but funding can be unorganized and the duplication of resources can be a problem.
  • Michelle believes that the solution to this issue will need to involve a partnership between SJHS and  another transportation company or agency.
  • Our team will look to interview some more patients and case managers to gain a better insight into the issue from a patient’s perspective.



Gallery Day Reflection

The gallery day was a great opportunity for our team to touch base with the representatives from BGC. We had very good back and forth discussion and received helpful feedback from them. We concluded that going forward we will focus on awareness of the club and fundraising. We believe these two things will get more teens into the program at BGC. Moving forward, our team has a three fold approach. First, we will create an infomercial using media resources at Notre Dame. We received permission from Camille to interview and video record students for the commercial. It will be shared on social media by the kids and the club. In addition, we will send it to various schools. Second, we are going to work closely with Adams high school and create a survey for the students. This will ask them: “If you had transportation, would you go to BGC?” Our hope is that many will say “yes”.  We can then send the responses along to the South Bend bus company and prove to them that it is important to have transportation to BGC because kids want to go. Lastly, our team wants to put together a fundraising event. This could be a sand volleyball or corn hole tournament and the money would go to providing transportation to BGC. This way, the club can have money to get buses not only for day to day trips, but also field trips. Over break, I was able to connect with the YMCA for benchmarking, but our team still needs to hear from our contact at Kings Club. In addition, I have reached out to Patty who worked with BGC. Hopefully, she will have some ideas to offer our team regarding fundraising.

Break Observations- Photo Post of Work Arounds

While on spring break and cancun, my friend nick took his sunscreen out at the pool and had taped a red solo cup shot glass to the top of the spray sunscreen to prevent it from leaking and spraying in his bag when he traveled and checked them. He said he didn’t trust the twist top


One of my roommate’s televisions was not high enough for her to see when she was laying in bed so she propped it up on printer paper to make it taller so she could see.


A friends freezer kept popping open and their food would spoil as it would not remain sealed and cold. They now use a duct tape latch to keep it closed when not in use.




My other roommate didn’t have a place to dry her bathing suits after coming back from break and hand washing them. She decided to use her shower curtain rod as a drying rack and placed a bath towel on the floor to catch the dripping water

Ethnography Comments

Great immersions at Clay.  I really enjoyed the video clips.  That is one talented group of students!

The analogous immersion at O’Rourkes does not quite seem on par with the decision of where to go to high school, unless you are really serious about your beverage options.  I’m intrigued.

There are some interesting patterns beginning to emerge.  If kids, and parents, rely mostly on their friends for guidance on which high school to choose, I wonder how diverse is there friend set?  I look forward to reviewing the rest of your team’s research.

Ethnography Comments

There are some very interesting insights emerging from your ethnographic research thus far.  Please be sure to err on the side of posting more direct quotes and insights.  A few takeaways that stood out to me:

  • Quality of caregivers makes a world of difference.  What are common themes of quality? Can this be recreated through technology?
  • The desire for individuals to connect and reflect on past.  How do we personalize?
  • The importance of routines.  They are established at this point.  How do you add to them?
  • I thought the quote captured from a grandparent interview where there was reference made to “chickening out” and leaving home for a care facility is interesting.  There is a lot of fear of the unknown as your body faces the inevitable declines of old age.  There is pride is living independently.  How can technology address these needs?
  • What are the causes of depression and how do we address them?  Individuals value family visits.  Do retirees see family more if they are at home v. in a facility?
  • Going forward, let’s get a more diverse perspective of individuals from other demographics.

Ethnography Comments

Many great insights captured here team!  Some of the key takeaways for me include:

  • The role that parents play in the decision of where to go to school – even indirectly as kids strive for that approval
  • The importance of “getting it right” – by whose standards?
  • Great images of lunch hour at Clay.  It made me anxious just looking at them.  There was a recurring them of the school being uninspiring and restrictive.
  • Every school has a stereotype.  How long do these last?  What is the average length of time a school “on top” before another one becomes the top choice?
  • The correlation between parent engagement and student performance – how do we account for this for the students that do not have involved parents?
  • Loved the comparison of choosing a high school being like a game of telephone!  So true!
  • The analogous comparisons to choosing a college were great.  Many of you highlighted a wealth of resources accessed – in-person and online.  How does this compare to high school decisions?
  • Is a student enrolled in a high school really worth $65k?!?
  • Big discussion on IB v. AP – what does college admissions say on this?

Keep up the great work team!