
1. [Under Review] C. Liu, M. Plecnik, “Dynamic Wind-up Locomotion Enabled by Embodied Intelligence,” TBA.

2 [Demonstration] C. Liu, M. Plecnik, “Scaling Study for A Mechanism Design that Enables Airborne Energy Storage and Enhances Power Output”, Dynamic Walking 2024, Pensacola FL, USA.

3. [Abstract] [Demonstration] C. Liu, M. Plecnik, ” Enhancing Locomotion Energetics Via the Design of Actuator Modules That Incorporates Kinematic Singularities,” Demonstration at 2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Robotics and Automation (IROS 2023), Detroit MI, USA.

4. [Abstract] [Presentation] [Hardware Demo] C. Liu, K. Barry, M. Plecnik, “Trialing Springy Foot Designs for a Novel Hopping Mechanism”, Dynamic Walking 2022, Madison WI, USA. 

5. C. Liu, M. Plecnik, “Experimental Validation of the Usage of Kinematic Singularities to Produce Periodic High-Powered Motion,” 2022 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2022), Philadelphia PA, USA.

6. C. Liu, M. Plecnik, “The Usage of Kinematic Singularities to Produce Periodic High-Powered Locomotion,” 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2021), Online, Virtual.

7. A. Baskar, C. Liu, M. Plecnik, J. D. Hauenstein, “Designing Rotary Linkages for Polar Motions,” 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2021), Online, Virtual.

8. C. Liu, M. Plecnik, “Series Elastic Gearing and Stiffness for an Airborne Energization Leg,” Dynamic Walking 2021, Online, Virtual. Poster, Abstract.

9. C. Liu, M. Plecnik. “Evaluating Plane Curves As Constraints for Locomotion on Uneven Terrain,” International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC), August 17-19, 2020, Online, Virtual. Winner of the Best Paper Award.

10. C. Liu, Z. Gan, C.D. Remy, “Exploring All Bipedal Gaits with a United Simplistic Model”, Dynamic Walking, May 2018, Pensacola FL, USA. Poster, Abstract.

11. C. Liu, “Exploring All Bipedal Gaits with a United Simplistic Model,” Master Thesis, April 2018, University of Michigan – Ann Arbor.

More articles coming up soon!