Final Essay Assignment

Why Isn’t It Really Spring Yet?

Amidst the recurring days of overcast weather and cold raid–as well as the recognition that you only have  one year left at ND–I have been fretting over the continuing threat of lies and disinformation to American democracy.  As we continue our war against COVID, my  mood hasn’t been helped by the fact that that I have been reading segments of Albert Camus’ The Plague.  Moreover, based upon much of the reading in our seminar about truth denial, American anti-intellectualism, echo chambers, and epistemic bubbles, I wonder whether Americans will ever be inspired to “live within the truth.” Yet the crowning blow to my confidence is the latest pronouncement by Fox News commentator, Tucker Carlson, the man described by his own network as someone no “reasonable viewer” would take seriously.  According to Carlson, “Between late December of 2020, and last month, a total of 3,362 people apparently died after getting the COVID vaccines in the United States . . . The actual number is almost certainly much higher than that — perhaps vastly higher.” (FULL VIDEO)  Coming from the host of the most viewed cable news show in the history of American TV ratings, this consciously deceptive claim (or, outright lie, if one assumes that a college graduate with a BA in History would be better informed about making causual arguments) throws me into despair.  If millions of people are willing to believe that Carlson is telling the truth and nothing but the truth, we are not only threatened with the prospect that more people will die from COVID.***  The utter denial of truth by many Americans suggests that the foundations of our democracy are imperiled. For no democracy can survive if citizens are willing to be taken in by a constant bombardment of lies and untruths.

Is there any room for hope for the future of American democracy?  As the sun comes out (briefly), I put down my Camus and decide to seek the good counsel of three brilliant thinkers: Catalina Botero Marino, the co-chair of Facebook’s Oversight Board (which has just decided to uphold the ban on Donald Trump); Vaclav Havel (the Havel who argued that living within the truth is just as challenging under liberal democracy as under post-totalitarianism); and Arnold Schwarzenegger (the former Conan, Terminator, and Governer of California).  I listen carefully to their advice and reflect upon their respective grounds for hope.

Which of these thinkers provides the most realistic grounds for hope that truth and truth-telling will be restored to their rightful place in American democracy?  Why are the other two thinkers’ views less realistic? Be sure to meditate on what you mean by realistic. Also, in your response to these questions, keep in mind that the goal is to strengthen democracy.


This essay assignment is structured in the same way as your two previous writing assignments.

Your essay should be no more than five (5) double-spaced pages.  Because this is a short essay on a very large topic, you should concentrate on being concise and to the point.

Take a firm and unequivocal stand.  Address counterarguments. Cite your readings.  Provide evidence for your claims. Choose a strong title for your essay. Feel free to use your imagination.

In preparing your essay, be sure to re-read my Google document Tips for Great Writing.  Please adhere to my guidelines.  Again: “On the other hand,” does not mean “In contrast”!  You should also reread my comments on your previous essays and paragraphs. Do your darndest to avoid any issues that might cause me to ask, WWOS?  By following my guidelines and suggestions, you will give me even more time to think about your essay.

As always, I will be willing to comment on the first paragraph of the initial draft of your essay.  Please make sure you make your request at least a couple days before the due date so that I have time to respond.  Visit the Writing Center at least once to get an outsider’s perspective.  Otherwise, for this essay, please do not discuss the question or your response with anyone else.

Your essay is due by 12:00 pm (noon) on Tuesday, May 18. You should submit it to your Google document submission folder.  By all means, give yourself a break and finish the essay earlier.

Remember:  My expectations are not unreasonable.  I merely expect you to write the best paper you have ever written.

I  shall be delighted to provide you with detailed comments on your essay after you have turned it in.  Just let me know.

Good luck!


*** If someone dies as a result of your conscious effort to deceive them, does this mean you bear a moral responsibility for their death?