Flight, Travel, & Visa Information

Visa Applications

Participants are responsible for ensuring that they apply for any necessary visas they may need for travel to Ireland. If you need to be issued an official acceptance letter, or if you require any assistance at all with the visa application process, please email Sarah Deneher at sdeneher@nd.edu.

Flight Information

To book flights to and from Ireland, please contact our representative at Anthony Travel, Andrea Hernandez. She can be reached by email at andreahernandez@anthonytravel.com.

If you are flying to Dublin Airport on 9 June, please plan to arrive by 12 noon. There will be a bus transfer between Dublin Airport and Kylemore on 9 June, a bus transfer between Kylemore and Trinity College Dublin on 13 June, and a final transfer back to Dublin Airport on 20 June.

You are welcome to book your flights for alternative dates but please be advised that the Kylemore Summer School will not be providing accommodation outside of the dates of the programme–i.e. first night of provided accommodation will be in Kylemore on 9 June, with check out from Trinity on the morning of the 20 June. 

Ground transportation in Ireland

Final details regarding ground transportation to and from Kylemore for those based in Ireland will be confirmed closer to the time. If you wish to drive yourself to Kylemore please email sdeneher@nd.edu for further information regarding directions and parking access.