Lindsey Breitwieser, PhD, is a feminist science and technology studies and disability studies scholar whose work focuses on necropolitics, futurity, and scientific knowledge. She is particularly focused on the socio-scientific construction of the human and the life/death binary. She is Visiting Scholar of Gender Studies and affiliate of the Reilly Center for Science, Technology, & Values at the University of Notre Dame. Breitwieser is working on a book that interrogates heterosexist, ableist, and racialized discourses that enable “postmortem pregnancy,” or the continuation of fetal development in utero after maternal brain death. She teaches courses on identity and power; feminist, queer, and crip theory; and medical humanities.
Breitwieser was raised in rural South Carolina to a working-class family. When not writing or teaching, she enjoys woodworking, rock climbing, and gardening. She also finds much comfort amidst furry friends, including her disabled rabbit, Haremione (featured here), who has been known to visit students for pet therapy at the end of the semester.