Chemical Compatibility

Proper chemical storage is the responsibility of all lab members and is a major safety concern. A general list of chemical compatibility can be found here : 

Incompatible Chemicals 

Included in the above link is a list of common chemicals that need to be separated from others, a chart detailing what classes require specialized storage, and combinations of chemicals that can result in explosive reactions or the creation of explosive materials. 

The two basic rules are: store the least amount of each chemical necessary and segregate incompatible chemicals. Acutely hazardous chemicals and carcinogens require special handling and storage. The Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) can provide guidance for storage and handling as well as spill clean up procedures. Basic storage guidelines include:

  1. Flammable liquids should be stored in metal cabinets away from heat or ignition sources and provided with proper ventilation.
  2. Bases and acids should be stored separately.
  3. Oxidizers should be separated from organic compounds.
  4. Special precautions should be taken for peroxides, peroxide forming compounds and especially organic peroxides.
  5. Chemicals reactive with water or air (such as sodium or phosphorus) require special handling and storage according to labeling and the MSDS.