Graduate Student Seminar

We meet on Thursday, 2-3pm in Hurley 258. The schedule below will always have the most up-to-date information. Abstracts can be found under Fall 2024 or by clicking on the title of a talk.

If you would like to be added to the email list for this seminar or contribute a talk, please contact Leon (leonmenger[at]nd[dot]edu).

Current schedule

Date SpeakerTitle
09/05/24Prof. WangNonparametric Density Estimation via Variance-Reduced Sketching
09/12/24Chase BenderJulia Set on the Projective Line
09/19/24Yuyan HePseudo-finite Dimenson and Simple Algebraic Groups
09/26/24Cory GilletteIntroduction to Operads
10/03/24Luis AtzinClassifying non-negatively curved 4-manifolds
10/10/24Chen-Kuan LeeHartogs’s extension theorem
10/17/24Atticus StonestromThe Peter–Weyl Theorem
10/31/24Atticus StonestromThe Peter–Weyl Theorem (part 2)
11/07/24Samuel HeardDouble Bruhat Cells and Total Positivity
11/14/24Prof. EvensPanel on Non-Academic Jobs
11/21/24Lorenzo Riva[Redacted] and the [Redacted] game
12/05/24Katherine NoveyOrdinary TQFTs Cannot Distinguish Simply Connected 6-Manifolds
12/12/24Emma DooleyThe Interpolation Problem