Spring 2025

01/27/2025 – Eric Riedl and Neil Nicholson: Academic Job Panel

Abstract: Eric Riedl and Neil Nicholson will give a brief introduction to their respective path to an academic job. After this there will be time for questions and open-ended discussions regarding the job-finding process.

02/03/2025 – Chase Bender: A General Polarization Identity

Abstract: We prove a generalization of the polarization identity of linear algebra expressing
the inner product of a complex inner product space in terms of the norm, where the
field of scalars is extended to an associative algebra equipped with an involution,
and polarization is viewed as an averaging operation over a compact multiplicative
subgroup of the scalars. Using this we prove a general form of the Jordan-von
Neumann theorem on characterizing inner product spaces among normed linear
spaces, when the scalars are taken in an associative algebra.

02/10/2025 – Fuxiang Yang: TBA


02/24/2025 – Juan Ramirez: TBA


03/03/2025 – Joshua Lehman: The Arf Invariant


03/17/2025 – Samuel Heard: TBA
