Assistant Teaching Professor, University Writing Program
Associate Director, University Writing Center
Faculty, Inspired Leadership Initative
Ph.D., University of Notre Dame
M.A., St. Bernard’s School of Theology and Ministry
M.Ed., Roberts Wesleyan University
B.A., State University of New York at Potsdam
Michelle Marvin is an interdisciplinary scholar whose work brings together the fields of writing studies, theology, and science. Her current research focuses on understanding the rhetorical strategies that scientific and technical communicators use in their work. As an administrator and social justice advocate, Michelle is actively working to strengthen the Writing Center’s antiracist and inclusive pedagogical practices while implementing effective program assessment measures.
In addition to her research pursuits and administrative roles, Michelle teaches courses in Writing Center Theory and Practice, Multimedia Writing and Rhetoric, Multidisciplinary Advanced Writing and Rhetoric, and the Great Books; she also teaches graduate courses in Scientific Writing and STEM Communication.
Michelle’s scholarly recognitions include a National Endowment for the Humanities Postdoctoral Fellowship in Catholic Studies, a Louisville Institute Dissertation Fellowship, and a Templeton Religion Trust Doctoral Fellowship.
- Marvin, Michelle A. “Under the ‘We’ Umbrella: Inclusive and Exclusive ‘We’ Language in the Writing Center.” The Peer Review 7.1, (2023).
- Marvin, Michelle A. “Memory Altering Technologies and the Capacity to Forgive: Westworld and Volf in Dialogue.” Zygon 55, no. 3 (2020): 713-732.
- Marvin, Michelle A. “Mapping the Language of Hope within Empirical Research onto Virtue Theory.” In Practicing Science: Virtues, Values, and the Good Life. Edited by Celia Deane-Drummond, Thomas A. Stapleford, and Darcia Narvaez. Center for Theology, Science and Human Flourishing, 2019.
Selected Conference Presentations
- “Equitable Hiring: Reflective Practices for Inclusivity.” Roundtable speaker. 2023 Conference on College Composition & Communication (CCCC). (Chicago, IL)
- “Restoring Dignity with Neurotechnology: AI-Enhanced Biotechnology and the ‘Vocation to Work.’” 2021 Catholic Theological Society of America (CTSA) Annual Convention. (Portland, OR – moved online).
- “Writing as a Spiritual Practice for those with Alzheimer’s Disease.” 2020 American Academy of Religion (AAR) Annual Meeting. (Boston, MA – moved online).
- “Memory Altering Technologies and the Capacity to Forgive: Westworld and Volf in Dialogue.” 2019 American Academy of Religion (AAR) Annual Meeting. (San Diego, CA)
- “Paradigms Old and New: Twentieth Century Intersections between Kuhnian Revolutions and the Dutch Catholic Faith.” 2019 History of Science Society (HSS) Annual Meeting. (Utrecht, Netherlands).
- “Living Waters and Laudato si’: Global Cases of Indigenous Creation Care.” 2019 College Theology Society (CTS) Annual Convention. (South Bend, IN)
- “Can Hope Persist in the Face of Dementia Diagnoses? An Examination of Hope in the Work of E. Kübler-Ross and Implications for Future Study.” 2018 American Academy of Religion (AAR) Annual Meeting. (Denver, CO)
- “Mapping the Language of Hope within Empirical Research onto Virtue Theory.” 2018 Practicing Science: Virtues, Values, and the Good Life Conference. (London, United Kingdom)
- “The Plurality of the Microbiome and the Christic Body: A Neurobiological Dialogue with Theological Anthropology.” 2018 College Theology Society (CTS) Annual Convention. (St. Paul, MN)
- “Memory Loss and the Goodness of Creation: Hope in the Human Condition.” 2018 Midwest AAR Regional Conference. (Muncie, IN)
- Invited response to Niels Henrik Gregersen, “The Cosmic Christ: God in a World of Mass, Energy, and Commitment.” 2017 Goshen College Conference on Religion and Science. (Goshen, IN)
- “Responsible Resonance: Consonance of Content without Constraint of Mode.” 2017 The Quest for Consonance: Theology and the Natural Sciences. (Notre Dame, IN)
- “The Age of Elastic Empathy: Responding to the Empathy/Morality Debate with a Biblical Ethics Hermeneutic.” 2016 Midwest AAR Regional Conference. (Muncie, IN)
- “Less than Conscious: The Dehumanizing Impact of Interdependent Definitions of Self and Consciousness.” 2015 Center for Cognition and Neuroethics Conference. (Flint, MI)
- “The Sound of Theology: A Comparative Study of Taizé Chant and Vedic Mantra.” 2015 Midwest AAR Regional Conference. (Ada, OH)
- “A Study of Prayer in the Imprisonment of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.” 2014 North East Maritime AAR Regional Conference. (Boston, MA)
Book Reviews
- Sarah Coakley, ed. Spiritual Healing: Science, Meaning, and Discernment. In Theological Studies 82, no. 1 (2021): 202-203.
- Lovin and Mauldin, eds. Theology as Interdisciplinary Inquiry: Learning with and from the Natural and Human Sciences. In Modern Believing 62, no. 2 (2021): 160-162.
- Neil Messer, Theological Neuroethics: Christian Ethics Meets the Science of the Human Brain. In Studies in Christian Ethics 32, no. 2 (2019): 293-296.
219 Coleman-Morse Center
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556
Website: www.michellemarvin.com
Twitter: @MarvinMichelleA