Poverty Studies Resources

This resources page is an attempt to track what’s available on the web.  I have not vetted all the information on these sites, so use your judgement to assess the validity of what lies beneath.  I think it’s important, though, to see what’s available to the general public that doesn’t have access to the scholarly resources available through Hesburgh Library.  Please let me know as you find other sites that should be linked here.

Critiques of Ruby Payne

Consortium on Financial Systems and Poverty: Connecting Research to Policy

Evangelical Advocacy

Bread for the World

U.N. Millenium Development Goals

Measure of America: Human Development Project

University of Michigan FAQ Page on Poverty

Class Matters NYT Series

Poor Economics

Spotlight on Poverty and Opportunity

The Center for Budget and Policy Priorities

PBS Newshour “Educated and White?  Congratulations you Live in a Bubble” Charles Murray”