Psychology 43247 (and crosslists)

Leadership and Social Change

This course actively explores means to promote positive social change and the common good. How do leaders foster a sense of human potential, moral imagination, and common purpose? What new models of learning, organization, and collaboration may contribute to efforts to address social challenges such as income inequality, youth at risk, environmental change, and political/global divisions? What can we learn from Catholic social tradition and research on ethical development to work toward a just word? Such questions will form the basis of our dialogue and research together. The course is interdisciplinary and draws student leaders from various student organizations. Readings from multiple perspectives are discussed in a seminar format, complemented by independent student research and experiential learning opportunities. Central themes include skill building to respond to social concerns, unleashing creativity and innovation for change, and a focus on solutions and what works. Throughout, the course provides means for students to reflect on their own development and purpose. In the fall of 2014, students will also be offered the opportunity to contribute to the creation of a future fellowship/certificate program at Notre Dame that will integrate leadership development and social innovation.

Instructors: Jay Brandenberger and Melissa Marley Bonnichsen

Time (Fall 2014):  Tuesdays, from 3:30 to 6:10 pm

Contact the instructors for further information

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