Slides and Other Resources

  • Here are the slides on “Klimakrise – ohne Preismechanismus nicht zu schaffen”, a keynote given at the Metzler Asset Management Investementstrategie 2023.
  • Here are the slides on “Wirtschaftspolitik in Krisenzeiten”, a keynote given at the Global Asset Management Colloquium of Allianz Global Investors.
  • Here are my articles in Wirtschaftsdienst.
  • Here are my articles on Ökonomenstimme.
  • Here are my slides on “Relevant, nachhaltig, krisenfest – Ist die VWL noch auf dem richtigen Weg?” This was a panel discussion (in German) on academic Economics instruction, organized by the bdvb e.V.
  • Here are some slides where I discuss the paper “The Sources of Capital Misallocation” by Joel David and Venky Venkateswaran at the EF&G Spring meeting in San Francisco. Topic: the “art” of moment matching in limited-complexity quantitative macro.
  • Here is my interview with FAZIT / Gerald Braunberger on old German Economics Idiosyncracies, the Bremen and Berlin Keynesianism.
  • Here are the slides for a keynote Macroeconomics in Crisis since the Crisis? I gave at the 2018 22nd FMM Conference in Berlin. Here is a link to the video of the talk, and here a link to the video of the panel discussion afterwards.
  • Here are my summarized remarks for the Notre Dame Flash Panel on Lessons from Chemnitz: Right-WingRadicalism in Europe Today. Reporting from the ND Observer here.
  • Here are the slides for a keynote Expectations Are Observables. And We Haven’t Even Started Yet . . . I gave at the 2017 CESifo conference on Survey Data and Macroeconomics.
  • Here is my interview with FAZIT / Gerald Braunberger on EJMR and Sexism in Economics. I am honored to have been the keynote speaker in the first panel of the Handelsblatt/Stifterverband conference on Ökonomie Neu Denken. My topic was: Die Zukunft der Makroökonomik – Evolution statt Revolution (the future of macroeconomics – evolution instead of revolution).
  • Here is a video link to my keynote, and here is to the ensuing panel discussion. Here are the pdf slides.
  • Here is my interview with FAZIT / Gerald Braunberger on Greece and German vs. Anglo-Saxon economics/economists.
  • Here is my Forschungs und Lehre Artikel “Professor ist Professor” on the US-German differences in academic careers in Economics. Here is an extended version of this article.
  • Here is the seventh installment of my (irregular) FAZIT column (in German, it’s called Konferenzgeflüster). The idea: I regularly go to a few conferences every year and I hear so much good and interesting new research that likely will never be seen by a general audience, even though it might be interesting to the interested public at large. I figured: why not briefly talk about it with one of the excellent FAZIT journalists? There is just too much bad reporting about what allegedly economists do and how they allegedly worship a certain political and social ideology, so that I hope to give the general public a better glimpse at least into what academic economists are really doing. Extra kudos to FAZIT which currently seems to be the only German media outlet where one can have a serious and non-ideological discussion on Economics as an academic discipline. The earlier installments can be found hereherehereherehere and here.