The Notre Dame Space Law Society was founded on September 20, 2017 by Emanuel McMiller’19. The Society is a student organization that aims to provide events and programs for law students interested in space law, and/or who are planning to pursue a career in space law or policy. These activities and programs include moot court teams; networking events; and speakers and discussions on issues involving the field of space law, career options, and the relationships between law, policy, ethics, science, and space.
Professor Jeffrey Pojanowski serves as Faculty Advisor to the Space Law Society.
As outlined in its Constitution, the purpose of the Space Law Society is to:
- Bring together Notre Dame Law Students who have a common interest in space law along with alumni, faculty, and professionals in the space law and related fields
- Raise awareness among the law school student body in the area of space law and provide an avenue for students to express their concerns, goals and interests in the field of space law
- To encourage students to engage in academic/legal writing and scholarship in the area of space law and policy
- Inform students of various space law resources and opportunities
- Provide programs and activities dealing with or related to the field of space law including but not limited to: discussions and forums about the law, current legal issues, and legal careers in space law; networking and social events; lectures and guest speakers; conferences; moot court competitions; and other related events and activities
- Engage in ongoing conversations on both modern and historical issues of Space Law, as it affects both domestic space exploration efforts and international cooperation in outer-space activities; Discuss and analyze the interests of private companies exploring outer space for profit with the interests of state and national governments, as well as the interests of humanity more generally; and Encourage students to develop new ideas for sustainable legal solutions in novel and expanding areas of Space Law
If you have any ideas, comments, questions, or suggestions, for the Society, please don’t hesitate to contact us.