Pursuing the Truth

Here are some contrasting examples of different types of truth claims. I am using the threat of extreme climate change as one of countless illustrative examples. I hope this exercise will be useful as you continue reflecting on the meaning of words and how we understand the pursuit of truth. How are these claims different?

To provoke you, I have set up this exercise as a puzzle. I have put a variety of solutions for each phrase at the bottom of this page. In a few cases, more than one of the solutions will work. Coincidentally, many of the solutions happen to coincide with my views.

Remember, this is all about “my hand”!

I recommend that you simply go down the list and make your choices.

      • Climate change exists.
      • Extreme climate change is currently a threat to humanity.
      • This threat is demonstrably true and human beings continue to play a major role in creating it.
      • A majority of Republicans say that climate change is having “not too much” or “no” effect on their community.
      • Around 90-95% of climatologists agree that human beings continue to play a major role—and possibly the leading role–in creating it.
      • Petroleum producers have long recognized their industry’s role in contributing to the threat of climate change but have suppressed their findings.
      • It was a mistake to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord.
      • Climate change is contributing to the rising cost of owning a home.
      • DEI causes extreme climate change.
      • While a clear majority of climate scientists agree about the threat of global climate change, their claims may be based on faulty information and insufficiently tested.
      • In the face of climate change, the US Navy is constantly revising its plans for building ports.
      • A sensible policy to combat climate change is to increase our reliance on nuclear energy.
      • The federal government’s suppression of scientific findings about climate change is bad for democracy.
      • Large numbers of climate scientists are engaged in a radical Marxist conspiracy to spread disinformation about the alleged threat of climate change.
      • Since some scientists contend that climate change does not present a clear and present danger, the scientific method requires that climatologists wait for unanimity before taking a firm stand on the subject.
      • Human beings must combat the growing threat of climate change.
      • God created the earth’s climate.

Possible solutions (in no particular order):

      • An empirical observation
      • A fact
      • A moral claim
      • A falsifiable statement
      • A theory
      • A partisan statement (and maybe a lie)
      • A scientific finding
      • A policy recommendation or statementt
      • A false claim (and maybe a lie)
      • A statement of faith