Truth and Democracy

Midway upon the journey of our life
I found myself within a forest dark
For the straightforward pathway had been lost.
Ah me! All I could do was to begin at the beginning and ask what is true.

Mostly Dante Alighieri, The Inferno

1.  Tuesday, January 14: Studying Truth and Politics

Discussion Theme:  How should we study the relationship between Truth and Politics?

At first glance, this answer to this question seems straightforward.  For example, one could say that Truth is about facts, not lies and distortions. Politics is about whether politicians tell the Truth or simply choose to deceive their citizens.  While both answers are accurate, I believe they only scratch the surface of much broader and much more interesting approach to Truthtelling.  Facts are important–indeed, in short supply these days–but what we mean by Truth is potentially more profound.  In a courtroom, one swears to tell the “whole truth and nothing but the truth”  (see HERE).  What is the whole truth?  Similarly, when we pose a question about politics, we are addressing an equally profound theme.  If we are committed to telling “the whole truth,” what does it mean to to insist that politicians tell “nothing but the truth”?

What is Truthtelling? Here are some interesting statistics about the Coronavirus.  The two tables present data about excess deaths and total mortality in the US over time. Excess deaths are the number of deaths that exceed the predictions of the preceding year.  In general, the US averaged around 60,000 excess deaths before the beginning of the pandemic in 2020.  The following article addresses mortality resulting from Covid vaccination. Because I assume that the scientists who collect this data are experts in their field and that their findings represent the current scientific consensus, I regard the information as “true.” What do these statistics suggest about how politicians should address the Coronavirus pandemic?

Excess mortality from all causes (raw numbers), January 5, 2020 – December 31, 2023: HERE

Total Coronavirus deaths, February 29, 2020 –  January 12, 2024: HERE

“Death after the Administration of COVID-19 Vaccines Approved by EMA: Has a Causal Relationship Been Demonstrated?”  READ (Summary and Conclusion, or the entire article, if you like)

Let us take the idea of Truthtelling one step further. What does it mean to discern the “whole truth and nothing but the truth” in assessing the significance of this data?

As we seek to make sense of all of the dimensions of Truthtelling, I must ask for your indulgence.  We will begin our investigation with the works of a lot of dead, White guys.  My challenge is to persuade you that your engagement with these thinkers’ musty texts is relevant to the contemporary crisis over truth, politics, and democracy. My goal is to create a common vocabulary for our conversations over the entire semester. I know from past experience that students find learning these fundamentals to be an essential foundation for rich discussions.

In tandem with our assessment of the thoughts of dead, White guys, please begin reading Maria Ressa’s magnificent book, How to Stand Up to a Dictator. Ressa, who won the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize, has lectured at Notre Dame. She has lived through every issue that we will consider in this course. As a freedom-fighter with immense courage, she is also in the position to keep philosophers and intellectuals honest. You should finish this book in the next two weeks.

2. Thursday, January 16:  Telling the Whole Truth?

Discussion theme:  What does it mean to tell the Whole Truth in a democracy?

In this section, we will consider two types of cases in which Truthtelling is relevant to sustaining a healthy democracy. The first type is the deliberate distortion of the Truth. The second is–or may be, depending on your judgment–an example of not telling the whole Truth.

NOTE:  The following readings and videos represent two types of challenges to our pursuit of the Truth in a democracy.

First: On the subject of not telling the truth:

Deep fake video of Joe Biden admitting to voter fraud: WATCH  Interestingly, this was shared by former White House Press Secretary, Kayleigh McEnany@kayleighmcenany Evidently, she has not felt the need to delete it. Also, ‘X’ has not felt compelled to remove a video that is manifestly false. Unfortunately, the proliferation of deep fake videos will play a major–and damaging–role in democratic elections for as long as one can speak of meaningful elections., “As social media guardrails fade and AI deepfakes go mainstream, experts warn of impact on elections”: READ

Second: On the subject of not telling the truth as well as the whole truth, read Tucker Carlson’s comments on on COVID Vaccines, Masks, and Mandates.

May 6, 2021, “How many Americans have died after getting COVID vaccine?” PRINT and WATCH

September 2, 2021, “My body, my choice in the Age of Madness” PRINT AND WATCH


As you watch these videos, ask yourself:

1. What approach does Carlson take in presenting his claims as facts?
2. What are his motivations?
3. Why do millions of people trust him? Or tune in to him? Is there a difference?

Some pointers for having great discussions

3. Tuesday, January 21:  Truth and Democratic Citizenship

Discussion themes:  What does Truthtelling have to do with democratic citizenship? What are the responsibilities of a good citizen?

Sophia Rosenfeld, Democracy and Truth: A Short History, Chapter I; and pp. 42-49 (in particular, her coverage of Kant)

Rosenfeld provides valuable historical background on many of the themes, as well as many of the thinkers, that will occupy is for the next two weeks.  She addresses most of these works directly.

Immanuel Kant, “What is Enlightenment?”  PRINT AND READ

In Kant’s short essay, we find fruitful germs of the liberal democratic conception of citizenship.  What does Kant mean by “enlightenment?”  What does he mean by the obligation to act upon enlightened principles? How does he justify it?

What does it mean to be a good citizen in the US or any other liberal democracy?  Do Americans live up to their responsibility to be good citizens? Does it matter if they do? Do you routinely live up to this challenge?

Truth and Politics today:

John Gramlich, “What makes a good citizen? Voting, paying taxes, following the law top list,” Pew Research Center, July 2, 2019  READ

Assignment due Today:

Kant says: “We live in an age of enlightenment, but we do not live in an enlightened age.”  Is this claim true of the US today? Or is it not?

In a paragraph of no more than six concise sentences, take a stand on the applicability of Kant’s famous words to the US today. Use a specific concrete example to justify your position. Your paragraph should demonstrate your understanding of Kant’s claim. Don’t equivocate in taking your stand.

4. Thursday, January 23:  Truth and Liberty

Discussion theme:  Sorry to say it, but none of us is infallible.  This fact has direct implications for our understanding of politics. What role should the limitations on our capacity to know the Truth play in the design of a well-functioning liberal democratic polity? Conversely, why are authoritarian regimes less concerned about the issue of human fallibility?

As you read Mill, ask yourself: What are the strengths and weaknesses of his position? What might they teach us about the strengths and weaknesses of liberal democracy?

“On the Liberty of Thought and Discussion,” in John Stuart Mill, On Liberty (1869), Chapter II (complete):  PRINT AND READ

In addition, read these short section’s about Mill’s “harm principle” in On Liberty, Chapter IV: PRINT AND READ

Truth and Politics today:  Is there a boundary between truth and entertainment?

In the United States:, “Fox News defends First Amendment Freedoms” READ

And the news sources that Fox attacks, come to its defense! READ

Would Mill say they have made the right choice in defending Fox?  Would Fox defend them in similar circumstances?

What would Mill think about the value of “safe spaces” in higher education? David French, “The Moral Center is Fighting Back”:  READ

Consider the BBC’s stand on the legitimacy of spreading false information?

“BBC issues internal guidance on how to report climate-change,”  READ
Does this decision make the BBC the anti-Mill?

Assignment due Today: In one paragraph, please respond to the following statement about John Stuart Mill’s “On Liberty”: “Mill’s argument for liberal tolerance sounds good, but it just won’t work in our polarized times.”

Choose one very specific, contemporary issue to support this negative assessment of the value of Mill’s arguments. As you write, try to identify a strong counterargument that one could raise against this position.

5. Tuesday, January 28: Politics in the Real World?

Discussion theme: In dictatorships, politicians lie by habit, deception, and decree. Are we naïve to expect that politicians will or even should behave differently in a liberal democracy? Can one legitimately defend a political vision based on lying?


In this section, I would like to cover two themes. The first is the argument that politics and all forms of political association are essentially about domination. This  argument is implicit in Machiavelli’s The Prince as well as in the works of contemporary political scientists who call themselves “realists,” especially those who study international relations. The second is the explicit endorsement of political lying.  How are these claims different? Or are they different?

Let us consider Machiavelli’s arguments in The Prince  PRINT AND READ

In teaching this section, I am engaging in a deliberately selective assessment of Machiavelli’s arguments. Because this is not a seminar in political theory, I am not concerned if I limit your exposure to Machiavelli’s more nuanced views on politics. Rather, I am simply using The Prince as a tool to convey a particular way of understanding truth-telling in politics.

One side of Machiavelli’s thinking is particularly well known. He argues that Princes should do some pretty nasty things if they want to stay in power. This includes a lot of lying.

Nonetheless, does Machiavelli have nothing to contribute to our understanding of the good society? How might his view of politics present us with a different view of creating the ideal political community than those offered by Kant and Mill? Or how might it complement these views?

Truth and Politics today:

POLITIFACT.COM:  “Joe Biden is wrong that he was against the Afghanistan war from the start”  PRINT AND READ

Paragraph assignment:

“All democratic politicians lie. What standard should we use in assessing when lying in democratic politics is justified and when it is not?” Write a one paragraph response to this question based on one example of political lying.  Your example can be either justifiable lying or unjustifiable lying. Do not use the examples on this page.

Alternative assignment: If you are feeling especially brave (remember Kant’s admonition about courage), I will allow you to defend the position that lying is never justifiable in a democracy. Please use the last seven words of the preceding sentence as the first sentence in your paragraph.

6. Thursday, January 30: The First Great Debate!

Democrats lie!

Proposition:  “President Obama had no choice. He had to lie to make the Affordable Care Act possible!  As politicians in liberal democracies have recognized for the past two centuries, lying and good leadership go hand in hand.”

Background Readings

You will engage in a vigorous debate based upon these opposing arguments:

David Leonhardt, “The Original Lie about Obamacare” PRINT AND READ TO PREPARE FOR THE DEBATE

“Obama’s pledge that ‘no one will take away’ your health plan,” Washington Post, October 30, 2013 PRINT AND READ TO PREPARE FOR THE DEBATE (Obama was awarded four Pinnochios by the Post)

Debate Structure:  TBA

7. Tuesday, February 4:  Great Writing and the Art of Persuasion

In preparation for your essay assignments in this course, let’s talk about what constitutes great writing. Let’s also consider why some writing is so bad.

I love George Orwell.  Thus, I assign his writings, especially the two below, again and again. More than seven decades after his death, Orwell continues to provide us with fresh insight into the study politics. As you will see, in “Politics and the English Language,” his argument is all about the ways in which words can be used and abused to justify dictatorship. The use and abuse of words plays a major role in American politics today.

Orwell also teaches us a lot about great writing.  His books and essays are deceptively easy to read, but most people cannot write with the fluid, easily understandable, and totally persuasive style that he exemplifies. I wish I could!  Still, I want you to try to emulate his example.

As you read Orwell, think about these three questions?

1, What makes some writing terrible, especially when it comes from smart and educated people (e.g., political scientists)? What makes it really good (and persuasive)?

2. What does our use of words have to do with politics, and especially the good health of a liberal democracy?

3, Why is it so darn hard to write well?

Readings from George Orwell:

“Politics and the English Language” PRINT AND READ Look at what Orwell has to say about both 1) the political uses and abuses of words; and 2) good writing.

“Why I write”  PRINT AND READ This article is about both the personal motivations behind writing and the psychological factors that make great writing difficult.

Orwell facsimile (handout)

Mystery facsimile (handout)

Also consider the power of the words used by the Biden administration. Will the Trump administration be less politically correct?

See Michael Shear, “The Words that are In and Out with the Biden Administration”:  PRINT AND READ

How would Orwell react to Biden’s language policies?

Paragraph assignment: What are the three most important attributes of the best, more persuasive writing. In other words, how do we recognize great writing when we see it?

8. Thursday, February 6: Listen to the Those who Think They Know:  Political Experts Rule!

Discussion theme: What role should expertise play in liberal democratic politics?

The goal of this session is to examine the idea of expertise in politics and the way that political elites use it to justify their rule over ordinary citizens

Sophia Rosenfeld, Democracy and Truth: A Short History, Chapter II, pp. 42-72.

James Madison and/or Alexander Hamilton, Federalist Papers, nos.  10, 49, 57  PRINT AND READ

Compare Federalist 10 with Madison’s defense of free speech in the congressional debate over amendments to the Constitution on June 8, 1789 PRINT AND READ How can one reconcile Madison’s concerns over the passions of the masses with this document?

Truth and politics today: Populist politicians take advantage of the attitudes of Establishment elites

Jeffrey Rosen, “America is Living James Madison’s Nightmare”  PRINT AND READ

Edward-Isaac Dovere, “How Clinton Lost Michigan and Blew the Election” PRINT AND READ

Paragraph assignment:

“Does the success of contemporary populist politicians mean that Madison’s prescriptions for a good polity were completely wrong?”

In composing your paragraph, imagine that you are writing the Introduction to a long essay. How should you structure the paragraph? How should you set it up to carry the burden of the many pages after it? What should you avoid doing in formulating your introductory paragraph?

9. Tuesday, February 11:  A Response to Elitism: Bringing the People in!

John Dewey’s idea of truth and democracy represents a notable contrast with the preceding readings.  Readers frequently find Dewey’s argument challenging.  Thus, be prepared to read it several times.

Sophia Rosenfeld, Democracy and Truth A Short History, pp. 72-91

John Dewey, The Public and its Problems, Chapter V, “The Search for the Great Community”  LOCATE IN HESBURGH LIBRARY RESERVES HERE AND PRINT

(Hesburgh also has two on-line versions. You can use one of them to download a PDF. If you want to do this, print the chapter the first time you see it; the publishers may not let you “take it out” again)

Truth and politics today:

What do we mean by “community”?  Are all communities good?  When do they work well?

How did community make a difference in the fight against polio?  Susan Brink, “Can’t Help Falling In Love With A Vaccine: How Polio Campaign Beat Vaccine Hesitancy”  READ AND TAKE NOTES

There are also risks to turning everything over to the “community.” What happens when the Masters of Social Media, such as Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, decide that their companies should not get involved in determining inappropriate content on their sites? In our concern to maximize democratic freedoms, do we paradoxically jeopardize democracy?

Mike Isaac and Theodore Schleifer, “Meta to end fact-checking” PRINT AND READ

Paragraph assignment:

“Dewey’s argument about the “Great Community” proves that Madison and Hamilton’s arguments about the negative aspects of passions are wrong.”

Write an introductory paragraph in which you identify both possible responses to this statement and then tell the reader where you stand.  Treat your paragraph like a debate.

10.  Thursday, February 13: Looking Back at the Big Thinkers’ arguments. Whose views would Maria Ressa like? Whose would she abhor?

At this point in our course, we have covered a lot of material, a lot of thinkers, and a lot of themes. Today, we will take the time to look back at this material and see how it all fits together.

Our goal is to engage in a comparative discussion of all of the thinkers we have encountered:  Machiavelli, Kant, Mill, Orwell, Madison and Hamilton, Dewey, and Ressa. We can do this by comparing and contrasting their views on the following subjects:

      • The nature of truth
      • How one pursues the truth
      • Human nature and truth
      • The good society
      • The relationship between Truthtelling and the good society.

Once we have identified each of these thinkers’ views on these questions, we can then combine them to ask what kind of political system their works would imply.  The last item is a good example how doing this.

The goal of this class is to internalize all of these different views on truth, politics and democracy.  As I have repeatedly emphasized, each of these thinkers represents a particular approach to our course topics. Thus, these thinkers’ perspectives are as alive today as they were when they initially set pen to paper!

Your First Essay Assignment will be around HERE


Tuesdays 11-12:00; Wednesdays 2:00-4:00
2080 Nanovic Hall

