Second (Great) Essay Assignment

Prompt: When it comes to promoting truth-telling and democracy, should Elon Musk have reinstated our former president’s Twitter/X account?

Imagine this: You are judging a bitter debate between two of our seven great thinkers (Kant, Mill, Machiavelli, Ressa, Madison, Dewey, and Orwell). One of them supports Musk’s decision and the other opposes it. You must declare one the winner. If you fail to take a decisive and unequivocal stand, the odds-makers in Vegas will strip you of your fortunes and leave you forever fearful of “sleeping with the fishes.”

I leave it up to you to choose two thinkers who are best suited to making a convincing debate and enabling you to make a crystal-clear response.

This is a straightforward assignment. Do not make it more complicated than it is. Present both sides. Take an unequivocal stand. Be simple (but not simplistic). When you are done, stop!

Some things that might affect your grade: Failing to follow my Tips; not visiting the Writing Center; not visiting me during office hours or sharing your intro paragraphs (and the first sentence of your second) with me; failing to heed my advice on your first essay; neglecting Orwell; not meeting the deadline; and/or not answering the question.

Your essay should be no more than five (5) pages. Your paper should be double-spaced and have a carefully-chosen title. It is due by 12:00 pm (noon) on Monday, April 8. I want to make sure that I get comments back to you before I post your final essay assignment. Given that you have a long week-and-a-half to complete this assignment and that the semester is coming swiftly to an end, I will only give extensions if you are sick and provide a doctor’s note. See the Requirements page for my policy on late papers.

Remember: I do not expect your essay to be perfect.  That would be unfair. I merely expect it to be the best essay you have ever written.

Good luck!
