Historically, the Journal has published in two mediums: online edition and print edition.
The print edition would include a select few papers and be distributed to our readers on campus, our authors, and all other interested parties. The print edition papers also appeared online with the addition of several other papers only available on the internet.
All papers are included in the links below, with print edition in bold.
Volume 1 (2005-2014, 2017-2018)
Issue 1 (2005-06)
- Monsignor John J. Egan and Catholic Action against Segregation in Chicago by KAMARIA PORTER
- Japanese Women’s Speech: Changing Language, Changing Roles by HILLARY BRASS
- Norman Foster: Envisioning Design at the Edge of Reality by KEVIN OLES
- Proceed to Check-Out: The Proliferation and Primacy of DVD Content by DANIEL BULGER
- “A Shock Put into Words”: Virginia Woolf and the Dreadnough Hoax by MAIREAD CASE
- An Aristotelian Apology for Romantic Love by ANDREW KARL
- The Equity Premium Puzzle: A Model for Its Behavior by TIMOTHY LAVELLE
- Augustine: Advocate of Free Will, Defender of Predestination by BRANDON PETERSON
- “The World Says No to War”: Transnational Mobilization and Implications of February 15, 2003 by PETER QUARANTO
- Nemo Venit Ad Patrem Nisi Per Me by CHARLES TYLER
- The Crisis of a Countess: Wharton’s “New Frenchwoman” and a New American Woman in The Age of Innocence by CORINNE VIGLIETTA
Issue 2 (2006-07)
- Identity in Refuge: The Distinct Experiences of Asylum Seekers in Ireland by STACEY VANDERHURST
- Woolf’s Modernism: Ambivalence of Identity in Mrs. Dalloway and “Street Haunting” by MEGAN TEIGEN
- U.S. Cold War Foreign Policy and the Neglect of East Timor: An Apology for Henry Kissinger by DANIEL HENEBERY
- Dancing the Darkness Away: A Study of Healing through Artistic Expression of Rwandan Children by DANICE BROW
- Understanding Underinvolvement: The Educational Decisions of Motivated, Low-SES Parents by JOANNA MANGANEY
- Deconstructing Patriarchy and Genre in Ana Castillo’s The Mixquiahuala Letters by ANNE LAUER
- To the Slaughter: The Establishment and Destruction of Fundamental Privileges and Immunities by COURTENAY MORAN
- The Rise of the Opposition in Mexico’s New Democratic Regime: Electoral Competition and Increasing Success by GUSTAVO RIVERA
- The Impact of Social Identity on Willingness for Contact in Northern Ireland by ELIZABETH SHELLEBY
- The Rise of History: Kant, Herder, and the end of the Enlightenment by MATT TIMMEL
Issue 3 (2007-08)
- The Chaos Factor: A Study of Student Mobility in Indiana by CLAIRE SMITHER AND BEN CLARKE
- The Dilemma of the Greek Church: Religious Conflict and its Effect upon Greek National Identity by ANDREW HAYES
- Quaternary Discourse in Nagarjuna and Derrida by CHAD LAVIMONIERE
- An Oasis in the Desert? Issues and Intricacies Concerning the Louvre-Abu Dhabi Museum Expansion by TAYLOR POULIN
- Enduring Moments: Photography of the Civil Rights Movement in Time, Newsweek, and Life Magazines by COLLEEN ANDERSON
- From Poetics to Prada: The Influence of Gnostic Feminine Theology on Contemporary Poetry and Culture by BETHANY FISCHER
- Chineseness in Contemporary Chinese Art Criticism by ELIZABETH LEE
Issue 4 (2008-09)
- Complex and Contradictory: The Enduring Stardom of Virginia Woolf by MEGAN BAKER
- Crippled Action: Jackie Chan and the Incongruity of Hollywood and Hong Kong by JUSTIN MACK
- “It was not as simple as it seems”: Collaboration, Patainism, and Resistance in Vichy France by JAIME AMRHEIN
- Sent from Heaven: The Protection of Political Comedy from The Clouds to “Truthiness” by KRISTEN LEIST
- A Clash of Mind and Might: The Mutual Cultural Misunderstanding that Led to Roman-Jewish Conflict in the First Century by EMILY GARNETT
- The Angel and the Dope Fiend: O’Neill’s Mary Tyrone as Irish Catholic Mother by ANALISE LIPARI
- Conceptual Models of Neuronal Dysfunction in Autism: Biochemical Toxins, Neuroregulation, and Implications for Neurogenesis by ANNETE RUTH
Issue 5 (2009-10)
- Seducing El Puente: American Influence and the Literary Corruption of Castro’s Cuban Youth by ROBYN GRANT
- Oppositional Youth Sub-Culture and the Second Generation of Mexican Transmigrants by CAROLINE HAWES
- A Man Among Gods: Evaluating the Significance of Hadrian’s Acts of Deification by TRACY JENNINGS
- Redefining Death: An Argument for Person-Based Criteria by JOSEPH VENTURINI
- John Courtney Murray, Aggiornamento, and Vatican II’s Declaration on Religious Freedom by GREGORY BARR
- Purifying Words to Revive Images: Sensory Intimations of God in Eliot’s “Four Quartets” by MOLLY KRING
Issue 6 (2010-11)
- Who is Phaedrus Anyway?: The Ambitions of an Unknown Author and His Quest for Recognition by KAYLA DURCHOLZ
- Developing the Unripe American Market: Wine in Domestic Consumer Culture by CYNTHIA CURLEY
- Special Education Services in Catholic Schools by CAITLIN WREND
- Nuclear Weapons, Realism and the Rising Iranian Superpower by DANIEL MCDONALD
- Humanitarian Aid at the Border by PATRICK GRIFFIN
- Crisis in Development by ELIZABETH SIMPSON
- Nativism and Latino Homelessness: Liminal Lives and Engaged Ethnography in Santa
Ana by MELISSA WRAPP - The Trembling Instrument: The Tension and Conviction in William Bronk’s Life Supports by BRENNAN MCLOUGHLIN
Issue 7 (2011-12)
- Promoting Social Enterprise through Public Policy by CHRISTOPHER RHODENBAUGH
- Guillaume Bodinier and the Meaning(s) of Italianness in 19th Century France by BRIGID MANGANO
- Bitch. Contemporary Feminism in American Consumer Culture by CATHERINE SCALLEN
- Fiscal Decentralization in Eastern Europe: An Examination of Economic Growth Patterns by KAITLIN VON HOFFMAN
- Suicide Terrorism in Palestine: Tracing the Development of the Martyrdom Norm by STEVEN ALAGNA
- Níaon Tírann Gan Teanga: There Is No Country without a Language by KAITLYN CONWAY
- A Puzzling Agent and its Changing Principal: Analyzing the Organization of American States’ Fluctuating Democracy Promotion in Latin America, 1948-2011 by RODOLFO DISI PAVLIC
Issue 8 (2012-13)
- ‘Not Wholly True:’ The Myth of American Community in Nella Larsen’s Passing by MEGHAN MCKINNEY JONES
- Chekri Ganem and the Comité Central Syrien: Syrian Nationalism in Paris, 1905-1921 by NATHALIE ROSADO
- The Effects of Welfare Reform on the Postsecondary Degree Attainment of Young Adult Women by MARIA SERAKOS
- The Role of Translation Equivalents in Acquiring Difficult-to-Translate Second Language Vocabulary by REBECCA KIBLER
- The Choice Was Theirs by AMY MASLAR
- Diffusing Authority: Borges on Identity, Tradition and Creation by MONICA VANBLADEL
Issue 9 (2013-14)
- Mind vs. Body: The Composition of Consciousness in Contemporary Narrative by JACQUELINE PATZ
- Beowulf v. Grendel: The Legal Customs of Hroðgar’s Kingdom by MICHAEL FRONK
- Tertullian and Christian Military Service by MICHAEL MERCURIO
- The Archaeology of a Medieval Village: Willingham, Cambridgeshire by ALLISON WHITLOCK SCALEN
Issue 13 (2017-18)
- Transcending Localities: Space, Place, and Nostalgia in the Writings of Bruce Springsteen and John K. Samson by KELLY SMITH
- “I Am Filipino”: Dissecting Filipinoness in the Indigenous Itawis Ethno-Linguistic Community of Northern Luzon, Philippines by RICARDO DANIEL PAGULAYAN
- Blessed are the Best Minds: Beat Spirituality in Allen Ginsberg’s Howl by VIRGINIA GUIBERT
- Efficacy: A Bio-Historical Investigation of Early Modern Medicine and Narratives of Historical Progress by THOMAS DAVIS
- Forget Me Not: Archives, Museums, Memory, and Nostalgia by KELLY KOERWER
- Qui Profert Nova et Vetera: A Commentary on the Carmen de Iona and its Place in the Biblical Epic Tradition by ANN GALLAGHER
- The Baseball War: The Federal League, Organized Baseball, and the Battle for the National Pastime

The front gate of Notre Dame Avenue
Volume 2 (2014-2015)
- The Presidential Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief in Uganda: Pompous, Political, or Productive? by EMMIE MEDIATE
- Catholic Quarreling: How Humanae Vitae Affected the Debate Over Land O’Lakes by BRIAN STAHL
- In the Wake of Trauma: Speech, Silence, and Political Agency by LISA TAYLOR
- Striptease: The Politics of Neo-Burlesque by MARIA KOSSE
- The Persistent Past: Notgeld and Proto-Fascist Sentiments in Antebellum Germany by MARCUS WARD LIDDELL
Volume 3 (2015-16)
- The Man Who Would Be King: The Prophetic Iconography of Lysimachus’ Post-Ipsus Tetradrachms by BRITTANY PROFFITT
- The Rise of the Department Store in Paris: A Reflection of the Times through Zola’s Naturalistic Approach in Au Bonheur des Dames by KAITLYN KRALL
- “As a teacher, what are you supposed to do?”: Teacher Preparation and Perceptions of Student Gang Involvement by LAURA CAMARATA
Volume 4 (2016-17)
- Role of Accompaniment on the Reduction of Stigmatization and the Renewal of Dignity in Women Battling Breast Cancer in Uganda by SARAH FRACCI
- La Unión Hace La Fuerza: What Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Leaves Out and the Role of Communities in Addressing the Needs of DACA Recipients by EMILY MIGLIORE
- Sex Differences Moderate the Effect of REM Sleep on Emotional Memory Consolidation by MARISSA BOWMAN
- Laughing in the Face of Death: Coping, Critiquing, and Constructing the First World War through Humor in The Wipers Times by MARIA DO
- Nietzsche’s Aestheticization of Politics: A Study of Napoleon as the Higher Man by ALEXANDER ARNOLD
- Teaching Asylum Seekers to Fish: Fiscal Sustainability in Germany via Job Training for Asylum Seekers by MARISSA BOWMAN
- School Choice and Human Dignity: Education Policy Theory and Practice by KATE HARDIMAN
- How Formal and Informal Social Structures Facilitate Inclusion and Community Building: A Study of Refugee Resettlement by TERESA KENNEDY
- Agency in Dominican Birth: Can Women in Region III Influence Exposure to Unnecessary Cesareans? by NICHOLAS NISSEN
- ‘It Wouldn’t Be the First Time’: Womanism & African-American Women’s Activism by ALEXANDRA RICE
- Intellectual Property Law & Traditional Craft Technology: A Case Study by VICTORIA SLUKA