Curriculum Vitae

🍎 Courses Taught

  • Statistics for Business and Economics
  • Introductory Statistics
  • Statistics II
  • Statistical Methods and Data Analysis
  • Design of Experiments
  • Online Graduate Intermediate Probability
  • Statistical Computing
  • Introduction to Probability and Distribution Theory
  • Introduction to Statistical Inference and Regression
  • Mathematical Statistics I
  • Mathematical Statistics II
  • Teaching and Learning of Statistical Thinking
  • Topics in Mathematics and Their Applications
  • College Algebra
  • Precalculus
  • Calculus with Precalculus (2 semester sequence)
  • Calculus
  • Introduction to Python

🏅 Honors and Awards

📄 Certifications

  • Actuary Exam P – 2006
  • CITI training – Social and Behavior Research – 2021

📰 In the News

👪 Professional Memberships

  • Member of the American Statistical Association (ASA)
    – Member of the ASA section on Statistics Education
  • Member of the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE)
  • Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

🌎 Service

College Level Service Professional Service
  • NSF grant reviewer
  • Undergraduate Statistics Project Competition (USPROC) Judge
  • Mentor for First Year Teaching Faculty- ACMS Department, The University of Notre Dame
  • Mentor for First Year PhD Students- STEM Education Department, North Carolina State University
  • Reviewer – Statistics Education Research Journal (SERJ)
  • Reviewer – Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education (JSDSE)
  • Reviewer – Statistics Education Web, ASA.
  • Consultant – Course redesign for the Department of Statistics, University of Georgia.
  • Advanced Placement Reader – Statistics, Educational Testing Service.

💻 Technological Experience

  • R-suite technologies: R, R Markdown and R Shiny.
  • Programming languages: Python, Java, SQL, C++, C#, HTML, CSS.
  • Mathematics and Statistics Education Software: Geometer’s Sketchpad, Fathom, TinkerPlots and StatCrunch.
  • Microsoft Office: Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

🎓 Education

  • Ph.D., Mathematics and Statistics Education, North Carolina State University, Raleigh NC; December 2017
    Dissertation: How Learning Statistical Computing May Impact a Student’s Ability to Think and Reason Statistically
    Adviser: Hollylynne Lee
  • M.S., Computer Science, Indiana University at South Bend, South Bend, IN; December 2023.
  • M.S., Statistics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh NC; May 2012
    Minor: Economics
  • M.S., Mathematics, Ohio University, Athens Ohio; August 2007
    Thesis: Contextual Learning in the Mathematics Classroom
    Adviser: Laura Moss
  • B.S., Actuarial Science, Ohio University, Athens Ohio; May 2006
    Minor: Business

🔨 Professional Experience

Applied and Computational Mathematics and Statistics (ACMS) Department, University of Notre Dame
– Associate Professor: 2023 – Present
– Assistant Professor: 2018 – 2023
  • Taught undergraduate and graduate level statistics courses.
  • Developed new ACMS courses including: Design of Experiments (undergraduate) and Online Intermediate Probability (graduate).
  • Assisted in College of Science retention initiative.
  • Assisted and presented at Data Science Master’s Program Immersions.
  • Organized the American Statistical Association’s Data Fest at Notre Dame.
Mathematics and Computer Science Department, Meredith College
– Assistant Professor: 2017 – 2018
– Faculty: 2012 – 2017
  • Taught 21 to 24 credit hours per year in mathematics and statistics.
  • Advised Freshman and served as a summer advising counselor.
  • Created and trained a team to attend ASA Data Fest.
  • Wrote and administered the Kraines exam, an annual mathematics competition for freshman and sophomores.
Department of Mathematics and Statistics Education, North Carolina State University
– Graduate Research Assistant: 2014 – 2015
  • Conducted quantitative and qualitative research on student responses to questions about randomization testing while utilizing technology.
  • Research team included H. Lee, W. West, D. Tran, J. Nichol & V. Weber.
Department of Statistics, North Carolina State University
– Adjunct Professor: 2012 – 2014
– Graduate Assistant: 2010 – 2012
  • Taught undergraduate level statistics courses during summer sessions.
  • Instructed introductory statistics section of 100 students.
  • Developed resources for hybrid undergraduate statistics course in Moodle.
  • Served as senior TA for the undergraduate introductory statistics course.
Mathematics and Developmental Studies Departments, Surry Community College
– Instructor: 2007 – 2010
  • Taught developmental and college level mathematics courses.
  • Represented the mathematics department in the college website redesign process.
  • Trained fellow faculty members on technology.
Department of Mathematics, Ohio University
– Graduate Assistant: 2006 – 2007
  • Taught sections of algebra, geometry and statistics.
  • Served as resource coordinator for the algebra sections.

📖 Publications

🎤 Presentations

  • Woodard, Victoria (May 2024). Introduction to HTML and CSS in Canvas. Teaching Well with Canvas, OIT Teaching and Learning Technologies Semester Start Up Conference
  • Woodard, Victoria (March 2024). When Numbers Lie: Algorithms and AI. Our Universe Revealed Series, South Bend Library
  • Woodard, Victoria (2023). How Students use Statistical Computing in Problem Solving. North Carolina State University: Virtual.
  • Victoria Woodard(2023). Using ChatGPT to Help with Teaching Statistics. Symposium on Data Science and Statistics, American Statistical Association, Saint Louis, MO.
  • Duan, Xiaojing; Kumar, Shreya; Walden, Katherine; and Woodard, Victoria (2023). Women Who Code Panel. Navari Family Center for Digital Scholarship, Technology and Digital Studies HUB, Notre Dame, IN.
  • Victoria Woodard (2023). How to Teach Using a Flipped Classroom. Algeria Research Hub Lecture Series: Virtual.
  • Johanna Hardin, Victoria Woodard and Nicholas Horton (2021). Integrating Computational Thinking into Statistics Education. United States Conference on Teaching Statistics (USCOTS): Virtual.
  • Woodard, Victoria (2021). See. Repeat. Understand? Lessons in Teaching Statistical Computing to Statistics Students. Appalachian State University Colloquium Series: Virtual.
  • Woodard, Victoria (2020). Learning Design of Experiments Through a Flipped Classroom Experience. Joint Statistical Meetings: Virtual.
  • Duan, Xiaojing; Ambrose, G. Alex; Wang, Chaoli; Abbott, Kevin; Woodard, Victoria; Schalk, Catlin (2020). PerformanceVis: Homework & Exam Analytics Dashboard for Inclusive Student Success. Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference. Practitioner Demo. Frankfurt, Germany.
  • Ambrose, G. Alex; Duan, Xiaojing; Abbott, Kevin; Woodard, Victoria (2019). Inclusive Learning Analytics to Improve STEM Student Success. EDUCAUSE Main Conference, Chicago, IL
  • Woodard, V. (2018). Defining the relationship between statistical thinking and statistical computing. The 10th International Conference on Teaching Statistics. Kyoto, Japan.
  • Lee, H.; Franklin, C.; Halvoren, K.; Mutlu, A.; Posner, M.; &Weber, V. (2017). Design, implementation, and impact of different approaches to professional development for teachers of statistics. Joint Statistical Meetings. Boston, MA.
  • Weber, V. (2017). How does statistical computing impact statistical thinking? North Carolina State University STEM Education Research Symposium. Raleigh, NC.
  • Weber, V. (2017). How learning statistical computing may impact a student’s ability to think and reason statistically. North Carolina State University Graduate Research Symposium. Raleigh, NC.
  • Weber, V. (2016). Using physical manipulatives in teaching randomization tests. North Carolina Sate University STEM Education Research Symposium. Raleigh, NC.
  • Weber, V., Fortune, N., & Williams, D. (2015). Google MyMaps and Excel. North Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Greensboro, NC.
  • Weber, V. (2015). Physical Manipulatives in Teaching Randomization Tests. Joint Statistical Meetings. Seattle, WA.