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TA sections

POLS 12400 – World Politics

Dr. James A. McAdams

Office Hours: TU 1:30-2:30 and W 2:00-4:00

Email: amcadams@nd.edu



TA:  Alejandro Castrillon                                           TA:  Joy You

Office Hours:  Mon 3:00-5:00/ Fri 3:00-4:00             Office Hours: Thursday 3-5 pm

Location: Ecks Commons (Law school concourse)    Location: 1108 @ Hesburgh Library

Email: acastril@nd.edu                                               Email:  zyou@nd.edu

Sections: 5 (Debart 232) & 6  (Debart 223)                Sections: 2 (Debart 332) & 4 (Debart 232)


Aim of the discussion section:

Our aim is to cover the topics and themes of the week in a critical manner, while addressing your questions. We wish to foster an open forum, where opinions and ideas can be exchanged respectfully.


The discussion sections require that you have read all articles and materials beforehand.  Besides turning in assignments in a timely fashion (that is, before 9 pm every Thursday night), students are expected to be well-prepared to discuss the readings.  The Teaching Assistants will prepare and guide the discussions by making sure to cover the major themes covered on a given day.

Email policies:

The TAs will respond to emails as promptly as possible.  It is reasonable to expect at least a response within 24 hours, if not sooner.


We will provide you with clear standards and rubrics to guide you in your writing assignments.


Your participation in discussion sections is a major part of your grade. By “participation,” I mean the quality of your comments during the section, your weekly written assignments, and your virtual discussions over Concourse: You will earn a lower grade by failing to attend class or discussion sections.  If you are late three times for discussion, we will consider that an absence.

Electronics/digital equipment:

Please do not use electronic devices of any kind, including laptops, cell phones, and personal digital devices, in the classroom.

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