Seaver Holter is a second-year PhD student who studies Political Theory. Before coming to study at Notre Dame, he received a BA in Political Science and Spanish from Macalester College in St. Paul, MN. After two years of travelling and working, Seaver
decided to attend graduate school to (try to) answer a few questions that have been bugging him since he was an undergrad: Is truth a matter of perspective and interpretation or something that pre-linguistically exists “out there,” independent of human perception? Is God dead (or, as Lacan says, “unconscious”)? Does history have something to teach us or is it a bloody succession of contingent happenings from which we can learn nothing except the “vanity of human wishes”? What would it mean to propose that Beauty is “political”? Which philosopher committed the worst-ever, most objectionable prose to paper? To (again, try to) answer these and other similar questions, Seaver has been reading much Hegel, Heidegger, Foucault, and Derrida, along with more “foundational” (i.e., old) texts like Plato and Augustine. In his waking moments not spent working, Seaver enjoys film (especially the Marx Brothers and Ernst Lubitsch), a good book (talk to him about Samuel Beckett, James Joyce, or Jorges Luis Borges), and playing (and more often than not losing at) chess. He looks forward to working with you this semester.

He is also an expert in the ancient art of making Lutefisk (see above with his father)
Office Hours: Mondays from 4 to 5:30 and Tuesdays from 3 to 4:30
Bryce Kleinsteuber. Hello, I am a second-year Ph.D. candidate at Notre Dame. My research focuses on the politics of identity, particularly religious identities in Central Asia. This is my first semester serving as a teaching assistant, and I am looking forward to helping make this semester, and this class a good experience. When I am not busy with class I enjoy spending time with my two dogs (Atlas, and Bleu) and cat (Zusi). I also enjoy cooking and baking.
I will hold office hours Tuesday 1:30 – 3 and Wednesday 3 – 4:30