Images V: Global Instability Poor North Korea and Cuba Genghis Khan may have been killed by a pandemic“Instead of spectacular interpretations (e.g. typhus) of Genghis Khan’s cause of death, the reported clinical picture and the duration of the disease gripping his army as early as 1226, suggest a retrospective diagnosis, that of plague, a most ancient, history-changing and still present disease,” International Journal of Infectious Diseases . COVID-19: As Global as any oth creature the world . . . on the move . . . and like the bubonic plague which came to California in 1899 will be with us forever (or at least as long as there is an “us”) . Going to lunch in Kampala, Uganda Maybe not what Emma Lazarus had in mind . . . . The Happy “Hilltop Scene” . You’re fooling yourself if you think I’ve gone away . .