Category Archives: Uncategorized

Peep Show Mirrors Channel 4’s “Tapping” Campaign

I cannot seem to recall any television show that implements as many point-of-view shots as Channel 4’s Peep Show. Nevertheless, I found it quite easy to become adjusted to the show’s direct address style in the “Wedding” episode that we … Continue reading

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The BBC’s American Productions

As this LA Times article explains, BBC Worldwide has an American branch, and it’s focused on doing US remakes of British shows, like Top Gear. This line in particular stood out: “The company also is mulling a Doctor Who feature film … Continue reading

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Black Mirror & Channel 4 Edge

The screening which struck me most this week was certainly Black Mirror, a program which gets its name from the opaque screens of televisions, computers, and phones saturating all our lives. I’ll try not to make this post a contemplation … Continue reading

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Could Our War Ever Be Ours?

There has already been much said on Our War as being a very powerful and mainly unbiased film, and for very good reason. The documentary is unquestionably very powerful, as it openly depicts the dangers and horrors of war without … Continue reading

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Is “Our War” propaganda or public service?

Our war is undeniably unique – I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything quite like it, at least not on the American TV that I watch. It felt honest and unbiased in a way that I find is rarely the case with most depictions of … Continue reading

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Still Not Convinced, But…

Going into this screening, I was nervous. I stay away from the supernatural fad as much as possible. I never read the Twilight books and only saw the movie that was required for my Basics class. I don’t watch Vampire … Continue reading

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Being Human stays true to its title

As I sit down to write my blog post, I am torn between discussing Our War and Being Human. However, Being Human wins due to the fact that the show, in my opinion, transcends the trendy topic of supernatural beings … Continue reading

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Our Unbiased War and Being Unique

Although I know that most blog posts have been focused on one specific show, I just like Our War and Being Human too much to not talk about both of them. Since my thoughts are wildly different in both tone … Continue reading

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Could Niche Audience Could Find Love in a Hopeless Place?

Could Rev survive on American television? It’s a completely valid question because the series features a Reverend unlike any might see in the states. In the unique episode we viewed, the Reverend digresses into somewhat of a gross character, becoming … Continue reading

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Our War: Hitting Home

As I mentioned in class today, I was floored by Our War on Monday. This was for several reasons, including subject matter, aesthetics, and personal interests. First and foremost, war always has been and always will be a touchy subject for … Continue reading

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American Adaptations and Being Human

A couple of weeks ago, there was a lot of discussion about how Dr. Who might translate onto American television. Some of us wondered if something that worked so well with a British audience would work in the US, especially since … Continue reading

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American’s take on Downton Abbey

Cool article from The Los Angeles Times:,0,5978755.story?track=icymi

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Is Creativity Stifled at the BBC?

 The BBC’s license fee makes their programming a public service for the people, and as a result “the Beeb” is always attempting to validate its quality and importance to those who are obligated to pay for their services. This is … Continue reading

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Sherlock and Public Service

Looks like no one is writing about Outnumbered this week, and knowing what the alternative is, that certainly makes sense. We watched the first episode of the BBC’s Sherlock early Monday evening, and I finished the last episode of second … Continue reading

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Sherlock and British Literary Tradition

Monday’s screenings of Sherlock, a BBC One program, speak volumes as to the relationship between the BBC’s charter, the history of popular culture in Britain, and the success and public image of the channel. There is a unique sense of … Continue reading

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