ND OCM Tools

Communication Plan

Determine what to say, who should say it, when they should say it, and to who.

Communication Plan Guide

  • What is a communication plan?
  • Why do a communication plan?
  • When to use a communication plan?
  • Who is responsible for this? 

Communication Plan Template (Make a copy before using)

Communication Plan Resources

Stakeholders Analysis

Stakeholder analysis and assessment is a process used to identify key individuals that have a stake in a project. Stakeholder assessment involves identifying managers, business leaders, employees, and groups that will be impacted by a change.

  • Who is a stakeholder
  • What is a stakeholder analysis
  • Why do a stakeholder analysis
  • When to use a stakeholders analysis
  • Who is responsible for doing a stakeholders analysis
  • Rate a stakeholder by influence
  • Rate a stakeholder by support

Stakeholders Analysis Guide

Stakeholder’s Analysis (Make a copy before using)

Change Management Plan

A change management plan helps individuals impacted by “the change” achieve success by building support, addressing resistance, and developing the required knowledge and ability to implement the change (managing the ‘people’ side of the change).

Change Management Plan Guide (Make a copy before using)

Smart Brevity

What is Smart Brevity:

A clever and concise way to sharpen your communication skills and be a better leader.

  • Start with the bottom line
  • Be brief: Use fewer words
  • Make your message scannable
  • Help readers determine impact to them

Why Does it Matter:

  • Communicate what matters
  • Make emails worth reading
  • Achieve clarity in writing

Using Smart Brevity on Campus:

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