

Hello! I’m Jacob Beiter, and this is my blog for CSE 40175 – Ethics and Professional Development. This is where I’ll be putting  my responses to the course material, which will hopefully be at least somewhat interesting and thought-out. We’ll see!

A bit about me – I’m a senior studying Computer Science, hailing originally from Charlottesville, Virginia, living in Keenan Hall, very involved in the band, etc etc (get that Notre Dame introduction out of the way).

I first got involved with Computer Science because I found both that it was fun and I was pretty good at it. As I’ve gone through college this has refined somewhat, but at the core it’s still because the kind of problem-solving via decomposition and precise description/understanding of problems that computer science focuses on is right up my alley.

In that vein, I’m still a generalist within CS, and haven’t given a ton of thought to what it means to be a computer scientist, or the different ways that I can or should apply the skills I’m learning here. That’s what I’m hoping to get out of this class – I’m hoping to think a little more broadly, and spend time considering and discussing the kinds of issues that a responsible member of the computer science community needs to be aware of.