Ave virginalis forma

Professor CJ Jones discusses this project in her translator’s preface.

Latin Ave virginalis forma

Ave, virginalis forma,
deitate plena norma,
agni syon templum,
Botrus cipri balsamatus,
austro pneumatis perflatus
in pacis exemplum.

Middle High German Ave virginalis forma

Ave, grüest pist, magtleich forme,
der gotheit erfolte norme,
lambes Syon tempel.
Beintraub cypper balsam-tüftet,
die Gots geist süß hat durchlüftet
in frides exempel.

Chere, numen in prophetis,
vere lumen, pax in metis,
regnans virtus alma,
Dei caritate culta,
spei claritate fulta,
pregnans mirtus, palma.
Clar grüest wol geist in propheten,
gar süß volleist, frid in steten,
blüender tugent palme.
Der götleichen schön ein czir,
gar notleichen, vrawe, sein wir,
du grüender iugent galme.
Engadina vitis mitis,
pretium in margaritis,
casta generatio,
Forma, quae senile hyle
esse duxit ad subtile,
noys veneratio.
Engadi, weinreb besnitten
gullt in margaritten,
kewscher kewsche kewsch gepurd.
Forme der materie erge
bracht in höchster wesen kerge,
gotleich wird, ee ichz ye wurd.
Gabaon in victoria,
sol lucens in gloria
Iosue victoris.
Honor throni gratiae
eius in facie
cornuti lictoris.
Gabaon, der stat sigeswunn,
sighafte ware sunn
Josue des kemphen.
Höhste wird, der gnaden thron,
sonn enmitten brehndem fron
Moisi on demphen.
Jaspidina preclaritas,
quam fides polivit,
aspidina disparitas
quam numquam attrivit
in cor Evae sata.
Karissima deliciis
affluens natura,
clarissima e viciis
est palmae statura
tua similata.
Jaspis, du stein, den der gelouben
reiniklich hat gepoliret.
der slangen schein mit posem rat
den hat nie veriret,
der in Eve herz sich span.
Karissima, liebst aller lieb,
wünschelfluß naturen,
die reinste, ja on sünden stieb,
den palm deiner figuren
wol sich zugelichen kan.
Leonis vox mox suscitans
nos ab Ade clade.
Phoenicis phos nos renovans
a letali mali
primevo prohemio.
Materia, qua latuit
pellicanus sanus.
Unicornis vis patuit
mortis pirgo, virgo,
tuo casto gremio.
Lebendiger leo schre, der uns jünget
von Adames schame.
Der ffenix glut frut, der uns iünget
von tödleichem kreyse,
das von erst her auf uns doß.
Maidleich steinwant nam in dir
pelicanus same,
einhurnes sin on flüchtes gir
todes freise, meide
czart in diner kewsche scher.
Noemi sine Mara, clara,
cara, gnara sara, paradisus,
in qua deus homo visus
expers omnis criminis.
Orthodoxa firmata, nata,
grata, data, rata, sata, soli
regens cardines ac poli,
stupor dagon liminis.
Noemi du bist, die schön, on bitter gar;
zwar klar war Sar; paradise,
darinn got mensch kom zu wyse
frey vor aller sünden spür.
Ordens recht, ee, firmenung der Trinitat,
rat, pfat, sat, stat, natürleichen
erd und hymlisch dir weichen,
voraus Dagon unde verpir.
Porta clausa, quam transivit
de Bosra formosus,
cuius pausa te sanxivit,
ut flos fructuosus
esses fragrans omina.
Quis appendit terrae molem
digitis tris dei?
Quis comprendit patris prolem?Dic, o mater spei
sancta, “Ego, domina.”
Port verklauset, dich durchsleiche
von Bosra der schöne.
Rein, dich pauset sein umbreiche,
daz ein, bluende vrawe,
du wart voller selikeit.
Quis wer henget an erd laste
Gots drien vingern einer?
Iht, wer fenget vaters glaste?
O sprich, muter reiner
hoffnung: “ich vrawe, vrawe und meit.”
Rubus, moysi fiscella,
incombustus in procella
mundi, nans immobilis.
Splendor patris et figura,
factor factus creatura
tua, virgo nobilis.
Röttent Moysi staud, zistel,
unverprannt, in der werlde mystel
fluet die schwam, on sünden rür.
Schein des vaters und figure,
schepfer wart dein creature,
edle magt magdleicher küer.
Tu caritate media
thronus es constratus.
Tu cosmi tollens tedia
noe demonstratus
pace tipis iridis.
Virgo Maria, Domini
sabaoth electa,
tu unica spes homini
mentumque delecta,
Iacob stropha viridis.
Tu, rechter lieb mit rechter mitt,
bist ein thron bestrete.
Du hast der werlde treg verquitt,
Noe zeichen stete,
fridlich regenbogen, bekant.
Vraw magt, Maria, des herren
Sabaoth erkesen,
du weinreb on alles werren,
menschen hof, süß wesen.
Jacob list dein kind ervant.
Xpristi Iesu mater, ave,
mortis anxioma grave,
dum advenerit, da suave
vesper, reos ad conclave
collocans yerarchicum.
Yesse virga, veni, veni,
duc in Bethel ductu leni,
ubi psallunt quater seni
senes noua laude pleni
euphonos seraphicum.
Xpristi Jhesu mueter, grüßig,
wann des todes not unmüßig
mit uns werd, so tu schwer büßig.
Sawer we mach, mueter, süßig
in der hymmel yerarchye.
Yesse fron gert, kum, kum schyre.
Für hin z’ Bethel uns zu dire,
do da singent sehsstund viere
altherren. Eia, do ziere
uns in chören seraphie.
Zelotem deum patrem ora,
nato, iube, sine mora,
amborum flamen implora,
ut uniti sint in prora,
dum transimus rubrum mare.
Illic, Iacob stella, clare,
ut possimus transfretare
tecum laeti post examen.
Fiat, fiat, Amen, Amen.
Zarte guldnin, got vater flege,
schaff mit got sun durch vermege,
got ir beider geist erwege,
daß wir on des schiffes pflege
durch des wilden meres trone,
do lücht Jacobs stern schone,
daß wir himelischen frone
vor gerichte in deinem namen.
Das gescheh, das gescheh! Amen. Amen.

“Ave virginalis forma:” A Modern English Verse Translation by CJ Jones:

Ave, hail, thou virgin form
Of divinity thou norm
Lamb of Syon’s temple
Blowing from the south discreetly
Cyprus garland smelling sweetly
Of peace an example
Come divine speak to your prophets
Light of peace within all limits
Virtue ruling tender
Decked with divine charity
Backed by hope’s sure clarity
Pregnant now with wonder
Engadi the vine sweetly curls
So preciously as forming pearls
In chaste generation
Form which led material
To a state more spiritual
Inner veneration
Gibeon in victory
Sun shining in the glory
of Joshua the subjugator
Honor of the throne of grace
Radiating from the face
Of Moses the litigator
Jasper’s bright clarity
By faith ever burnished
The adder’s disparity
which never diminished
once sown in Eve’s heart.
Karissima, O dearest
abundant nature
from vices the clearest
the palm’s tall stature
is like to your art.
Lion’s voice awakes us now
freed from Adam’s deed
The phoenix’s fire renews the vow
to save us from the grave
made at the world’s beginning
Material which received
Man’s healing pelican
The unicorn’s power conceived
In your womb, virgin,
saved us from mortal sinning.
Naomi without bitter glitters
Sarah, fair, aware in paradise
In whom God did visualize
Man free from all treachery
Orthodoxy’s right incited,
Sanely reigning, fain ordains the sun,
Overseeing the destruction
Of Dagon’s sanctuary
Portal closed which the handsome
Crossed from Bosra through
To perfect your fruitful blossom
Biding within you,
Sweetly smelling flower
Quis, who dangles the earth’s burden
From the hand of God?
Who contains the father’s scion?
Mother, say I, awed,
By my lady’s power
Redly burns here Moses’s briar,
Unconsumed in stormy fire,
A basket in the Nile’s flow.
Splendor of the father’s figure,
The creator now your creature,
Thou virgin, pure as white snow.
Thou by the means of charity
Are now the upright throne
Free us from earthly vanity
Who made to Noah known
The promise of the rainbow
Virgin O Mary, mother kind
The chosen commander
Alone the hope of all mankind
Guarantor of the plunder
Of Jacob tricking Esau
Xprist Jesus’s Mother Thee we greet
Who drives death ‘fore her in retreat
Repenting now we pray for sweet
repose with the heav’nly elite
Repairing all our wrongs
Yew branch, Jesse tree, come nigh
Lead us to Bethel, where on high
The four-and-twenty elders cry
And, full with praise, thee glorify
In the seraphic songs
Zealously, Father, I pray to thee,
Command, when I am on the sea
that my ship without hindrance be
With wind in the sails peacefully
So, as if crossing Red Sea sand,
I’ll follow Jacob’s star to land,
Joyous, place myself in your hand,
After I cross life’s stormy ocean
Lord, let it be so, Amen, Amen.

Claire Taylor Jones
Assistant Professor of German
University of Notre Dame

Featured Image: "Ave virginalis forma" from Munich, Bavarian State Library, cgm 716