2015 Attendees

John Augusto, University of Kansas — jaugusto@ku.edu

Sandra Bass, University of California, Berkeley — sandrab@berkeley.edu

Mary Beckman, University of Notre Dame — mbeckman@nd.edu

Jay Brandenberger, University of Notre Dame — jbranden@nd.edu

Paul Brooks, University of Georgia — bolmgren@uga.edu

Jay Caponigro, University of Notre Dame — caponigro.2@nd.edu

Gene Corbin, Harvard University — corbin@fas.harvard.edu

Katherine Cramer, University of Wisconsin, Madison — kathy.cramer@wisc.edu

Jim Frabutt, University of Notre Dame — jfrabutt@nd.edu

Diana Guelespe, Georgetown University — dmg103@georgetown.edu

Allen Hance, Brown University — allen_hance@brown.edu

Brian Hanson, Northwestern University — bhanson@northwestern.edu

Vialla Hartfield-Mendez, Emory University — vhartfi@emory.edu

Matt Hartley, University of Pennsylvania — hartley@gse.upenn.edu

Laurel Hirt, University of Minnesota — hirtx002@umn.edu

Clayton Hurd, Stanford University — clayton.hurd@stanford.edu

Rollin Johnson, Johns Hopkins University — rjohn181@jhu.edu

Lisa Kendall, Emory University — lisa.kendall@emory.edu

Richard Kiely, Cornell University — rck6@cornell.edu

Rev. Paul Kollman, C.S.C., University of Notre Dame — pkollman@nd.edu

Glen Krutz, University of Oklahoma— gkrutz@ou.edu

KeithLyons, UniversityofKentucky — keith.lyons@uky.edu

Amanda McBride, Washington University in St. Louis — ammcbride@wustl.edu

KatherineMcCormick, UniversityofKentucky —.kmcco2@uky.edu

Connie Snyder Mick, University of Notre Dame — cmick@nd.edu

Eric Mlyn, Duke University — .eric.mlyn@duke.edu

Agnieszka Nance, Tulane University — anance@tulane.edu

Kathy O’Byrne, University of California, Los Angeles — kobyrne@college.ucla.edu

E. Carol Polifroni, University of Connecticut — carol.polifroni@uconn.edu

John Reiff, University of Massachusetts, Amherst — jreiff@cesl.umass.edu

Thomas Schnaubelt, Stanford University — thomas.schnaubelt@stanford.edu

Andrew Seligsohn, Campus Compact — ajs@compact.org

Elsie Sheidler, Princeton University — sheidler@princeton.edu

Nancy Thomas, Tufts University — nancy.thomas@tufts.edu

Michael Thompson, University of Oklahoma — mthompsonvpr1120@ou.edu

Elizabeth Tryon, University of Wisconsin, Madison — etryon@wisc.edu

Rachel Vaughn, University of Washington — rvaughn@uw.edu

Andria Wisler, Georgetown University — akw28@georgetown.edu

Danielle Wood, University of Notre Dame — dwood5@nd.edu

Renee Zientek, Michigan State University — zientekr@msu.edu