

The membership dues will be $25 for the year, subject to amendments as determine for the 2019/2020 school year, membership dues will be voluntary to encourage participation membership. As the club grows, this should be amended.

Article V. OFFICERS:

Section 1.

Only student members of AGC may serve as Officers, and there shall not be more than two-thirds of students from any of the Schools or Colleges at Notre Dame as Officers. The Officers of the AGC shall constitute the “Executive Board” of the Club.

Section 2.

The following shall be the Officers of AGC: President; Executive Vice President; Vice President, Finance & Sponsorships; Vice President, Media & Communications; Vice President, Alumni & Club Relations; Vice President, Events & Programming and Vice President for Career Development.

Section 3.

The creation of additional officer positions (e.g., Co-President, Co-Vice President etc.) must be approved by a two-thirds vote of the active membership and with the support of the Advisor.

Section 4.

The duties of the President shall include:

  1. Coordinating all meetings of the Club.
  2. Organizing and chairing the meetings of the Executive Board.
  3. Calling emergency meetings, pursuant to Article IX, Section 3.
  4. Providing leadership and strategic direction to the club.
  5. Working directly with the Advisor and serve as the liaison between the Club and the University administration to ensure the club is operating within the expectations of the University.
  6. Acting as the chief spokesperson of the club.
  7. Establishing an effective relationship with the Graduate Student Union, MBA Association, Student Bar Association, Student Activities Office, and other University Administrative Departments.
  8. Perform oversight function on all club and officer activities.

Section 5.

The duties of the Executive Vice President shall include:

  1. Assisting the President with the fulfillment of his/her duties.
  2. Appointing all committee chairs in consultation with the President, pursuant to Article VII.
  3. Providing support for the development of club activities planned by the Committees.
  4. Working with the Vice President of Finance to establish budgets for committees that are created.
  5. Working with Admissions departments of the Graduate, Keough, Mendoza & Law Schools to increase the African student population at Notre Dame.
  6. Scheduling meetings, practice rooms and facilities for Club’s activities in liaison with relevant University officers.
  7. Oversee the growth of new members into the club by leveraging new recruiting strategies.
  8. Presiding over Meetings of the Membership or the Executive Board in the President’s absence and performing other duties as the President may assign as needed.

Section 6.

The duties of the Vice President, Finance & Sponsorships shall include:

  1. Identifying sources of funding and sponsorships for the Club’s activities.
  2. Keeping a record of all financial transactions.
  3. Presenting financial records quarterly to club membership.
  4. Settling and reconciling financial obligations stemming from club activities.
  5. Preparing any and all budgets and addressing financial requests/appeals.
  6. Working with the Executive Vice President to establish budgets for Committees.
  7. Meeting with the Advisor on a regular basis to review account balances and financial transactions.
  8. Maintaining detailed membership records, including membership dues collected.
  9. Work with the Student Activities Office to identify and secure corporate and alumni sponsorships for Speaker Events.

Section 7.

The duties of the Vice President, Media & Communications shall include:

  1. Recording accurate minutes of any Meeting and all votes, regular or otherwise, of the Membership or the Executive Board.
  2. At all times, maintain an accurate and complete list of the Membership of the Club.
  3. Coordinating the press relations of the club, including, but not limited to, relations with The Observer, Scholastic Magazine, Social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram), listserv lists, flyer/poster approval and other relevant media platforms.
  4. Ensuring that all changes of officers are reported to the appropriate University officials.
  5. Sending out periodic newsletters and information to AGC members and interested parties.
  6. In coordination with the President, liaise with and create partnerships with potential invitees to campus.
  7. Managing AGC’s technology portfolio, website and visual / audio records of events.
  8. Keep record of alumni and external networking contact list.

Section 8.

The duties of the Vice President, Alumni & Club Relations shall include:

  1. Working with the President to reach out to and re-establish contact with alumni.
  2. Working with the President & VP, Finance & Sponsorships on planning donation and sponsorship requests to alumni and corporate organizations.
  3. Propose alumni-sponsored fellowships, recruiting events and educative sessions.
  4. Collaborating with other graduate clubs on possible activities or events of interest with recruiting and cultural perspectives.
  5. Assist with marketing and build awareness of the AGC to the Alumni community.
  6. Grow membership of the Club within the Notre Dame community.
  7. Working with the President to help develop/create a mentoring program, connecting club members with alumni.
  8. Assisting in the growth of an alumni group on LinkedIn while creating content.

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