Energy LLM Fellowship Positions at Vermont Law

Energy Justice Fellowship – The Institute for Energy and the Environment at Vermont Law and Graduate School offers the Energy Justice Fellowship for a two-year period beginning August 2023.  The fellowship includes a full tuition waiver for the LLM in Energy Law and a $35,000 annual stipend.  The Energy Justice Fellow will work half-time in the VLGS Energy Clinic leading a team of graduate student clinicians working on ensuring that low income and underserved communities enjoy the benefits of the just energy transition.  Applicants must be licensed to practice law in the United States with the ability to be licensed in the State of New Hampshire and additional states in New England and New York on a timely basis.  Experience in energy law is not required, but knowledge of business, transactional, and administrative law is preferred, as well as, an interest to pursue the LLM in Energy Law while working in the Energy Clinic.  Applicants must apply separately to the VLGS LLM in Energy Law and provide a cover letter, writing sample, resume, and list of three references to Energy Justice Fellowship Application.  Application review will begin on a rolling basis on April 15, 2023 and continue until the position is filled.  Admission to the VLGS Energy Law program is not required for initial application review but is a requirement for final eligibility.

Global Climate Justice Fellowship – The Institute for Energy and the Environment at Vermont Law and Graduate School offers the Global Climate Justice Fellowship for a two-year period beginning August 2023.  The fellowship includes a full tuition waiver for the LLM in Energy Law and a $35,000 annual stipend.  The fellow  will work half-time in the Institute for Energy and the Environment leading a team of graduate students researching issues related to a global just transition of our energy systems.  The regional focus of the research will be on just transition issues in China and Latin America and the Caribbean.  The fellow will also pursue the LLM in Energy Law half-time and must have completed either an LLB or JD at a U.S. or international institution.  Applicants with interest and experience in international just energy transition issues are strongly encouraged to apply, particularly those with experience with Chinese or Latin American and Caribbean energy law and policy.  Applicants must apply separately to the VLGS LLM in Energy Law and also provide a cover letter, writing sample, resume, and list of three references to Global Climate Justice Fellowship  Application review will begin on a rolling basis on April 15, 2023 and continue until the position is filled.  Admission to the VLGS Energy Law program is not required for initial application review but is a requirement for final eligibility.