Hiring fellow for U. Chicago environmental law clinic

From a colleague: “I’m hiring a second clinical fellow to support the work of the Abrams Environmental Law Clinic at the University of Chicago Law School this coming academic year (2023-24), with a potential extension for a second year. Here’s a link to the posting: apply.interfolio.com/125619 . The fellowship is a great opportunity for someone with a J.D. who is interested in clinical teaching specifically or transitioning to plaintiff-side environmental and energy work generally.
For those not familiar with the details of the Abrams Clinic’s work, in the eleven years since its founding, we have litigated cases related to clean water, clean air, climate change, CERCLA, ESA, coal and surface mining, and electric utility rates and Integrated Resource Plans, as well as produced draft legislation and policy reports. We have represented or worked closely with national NGOs such as NDRC, CBD, Earthjustice, EDF, Sierra Club, Oceana, and Surfrider (among others), individual experts such as Prof. Michael Greenstone on the social cost of carbon, and grassroots environmental justice (EJ) organizations such as those fighting for energy justice in Michigan and residents of a highly contaminated Superfund site in Northwest Indiana (among others). For more information about the clinic, see https://www.law.uchicago.edu/clinics/environmental .

I’d appreciate you sharing this with your networks, and I’m happy to field questions.
 I’m hiring a second clinical fellow to support the work of the Abrams Environmental Law Clinic at the University of Chicago Law School this coming academic year (2023-24), with a potential extension for a second year. Here’s a link to the posting: apply.interfolio.com/125619 . The fellowship is a great opportunity for someone with a J.D. who is interested in clinical teaching specifically or transitioning to plaintiff-side environmental and energy work generally.
For those not familiar with the details of the Abrams Clinic’s work, in the eleven years since its founding, we have litigated cases related to clean water, clean air, climate change, CERCLA, ESA, coal and surface mining, and electric utility rates and Integrated Resource Plans, as well as produced draft legislation and policy reports. We have represented or worked closely with national NGOs such as NDRC, CBD, Earthjustice, EDF, Sierra Club, Oceana, and Surfrider (among others), individual experts such as Prof. Michael Greenstone on the social cost of carbon, and grassroots environmental justice (EJ) organizations such as those fighting for energy justice in Michigan and residents of a highly contaminated Superfund site in Northwest Indiana (among others). For more information about the clinic, see https://www.law.uchicago.edu/clinics/environmental .

I’d appreciate you sharing this with your networks, and I’m happy to field questions.”