25th Annual Stetson International Environmental Moot Court Competition

They’ve released the record for the 25th Annual Stetson International Environmental Moot Court Competition. This year’s problem involves wind farms and bats. Registration is open for the North American Rounds, which will be held virtually January 8-9, 2021.

There will be national and regional rounds held in Central Asia, East Asia, Southeast Asia, Brazil, Ireland and the UK, and India (with others to come). We expect that many will be held virtually as well. If you are interested in serving as a judge in these rounds (for memorials or oral arguments), please let me know and we’ll put you in contact with the organizers. 

The top teams will be invited to the International Finals, which will be held March 25-27, 2021. Rodrigo Medellín, known as the Bat Man of Mexico, helped develop the problem and will serve as one of the final round judges.  

The deadline to register is October 2, 2020, and the Competition Committee may limit the number of teams that can participate in the regional, so please register as soon as possible. Please contact Erin Okuno (okuno@law.stetson.edu) with any questions.