UC Irvine Clinical Fellowship Opportunity–Environmental Justice

UC Irvine School of Law is hiring its second Mysun Foundation Clinical Fellow in the Environmental Law Clinic. To apply: https://recruit.ap.uci.edu/JPF06560


The University of California, Irvine School of Law invites applications for the position of Mysun Foundation Clinical Fellow in its Environmental Law Clinic (ELC). The fellowship is designed to provide an attorney who has a strong interest in environmental justice with mentorship to help the attorney to launch a career in clinical teaching, or serve as a bridge to a career in public interest environmental justice work.

The Mysun Foundation Clinical Fellow will work under the direct supervision of the ELC director. Working with the Director, the Mysun Foundation Clinical Fellow will mentor and work closely with students in the representation of disenfranchised and marginalized communities, and will participate in program development including community lawyering and outreach. The Mysun Foundation Clinical Fellow will also have opportunities for teaching within the ELC, including assisting with the teaching of the ELC seminar.

The Mysun Foundation Clinical Fellow is expected to be a vital part not only of the ELC, but also of the UCI Clinical Law Program, and the law school’s intellectual life more generally. As such, the Mysun Foundation Clinical Fellow will receive mentoring, and can expect support in terms of career development.

UCI Law is currently working from remotely, and will conduct its interviews remotely.