Haub Environmental Law & Policy Hack Competition 2022

Participate in the 2022 Elisabeth Haub School of Law Environmental Law & Policy Hack Competition​!
The problem this year invites students to propose a private environmental governance intervention to prompt environmental progress.  The full problem is posted here​. Register by September 27; team briefs are due October 31, 2022, and the final presentation round will be on December 2, 2022. The Hack competition identifies an emerging environmental challenge that could benefit from innovative law and policy approaches and invites participants to study the issue, brainstorm solutions, and propose innovative and practical solutions.  Teams are encouraged to include students and contributors from different disciplines as well as representatives from the private and public sectors. A panel of faculty and invited professionals with expertise relating to the challenge subject reviews the team’s concepts and selects three team submissions as finalists.  The finalist teams present their proposals to a group of distinguished judges, who will select the wining team solution.