
Below you will find various Prosci Change Management training and certification options. As a Notre Dame employee, you are able to take these courses through Notre Dame at a discounted price. If you are interested in taking any of these trainings or certifications, please contact Scott Siler for more information.

Prosci Change Management Practitioners Program

Participants will be equipped with Prosci’s research-based change management methodology and tools
including the Prosci 3-Phase Process and Prosci® ADKAR® Model as well as a subscription to digital
content, resources, research, and tools in the Prosci Hub Solution Suite in order to develop scaled change management strategies for projects and initiatives.

This course is intended for Employees who are responsible for managing change on specific projects or initiatives or those responsible for building an organizational change management competency. This could include: Change leaders, Project managers, Change management practitioners, Continuous improvement specialists, IT professionals, HR, Org. development professionals, and Project team members.

ND Cost: $1,300 per participant

Length of course: 3 days

Size of course: 12-16 participants

June 2024 Prosci Graduates

Congratulations to the newly certified

Change Management Practitioners:

Lindsey Horner, Diane Kennedy, Melody Kesler, Claire Leatherwood-Slebonick, Bert Lott, Tracey Morton, Mariette Quinn, Amanda Rink, and Nicole Velasquez

Previous Notre Dame Prosci Graduates

Anne Marie Achille, Lauren Ajamie, Ian Alford, Richard Allen, Carolina Avendano, Michael Ball, Michael Baney, Ryan Barr, Josh Bennett, Abagail Bianchi, Lissa Bill, Dan Boughton, Mike Brach, Jennifer Brewer, Clint Brown, Amelia Brubaker, Jess Brubaker-Horst, Will Bruckert, Joe Buckhanan, Lori Bush, Bobbi Cain, Taylor Campbell, Ty Carmolingo, Sergio Cerda, Ibrahim Chabaan, D. Curtis Claypool, Jeff Critchlow, Maria Dahn, Joel Dosmann, Paul Drake, Tom Eichmann, Emily Fiedeldey, Andrew Fiedler, Jeremy Friesen, Tracy Fronk, Matthew Fulcher, Carlos Garcia, Chris Gillis, Eric Goins, Evan Grantham-Brown, Gina Grear, Chas Grundy, Jack Hagewood, Kim Harness, Sarah Harris, Claudia Hawkins, Sharon Hayward, Maureen Hogue, Nina Holdread, Michelle Johnson, Lark Jones, Daisy Kaur, Eve Kelly, John Kelly, Casey Kiel, Linda Klaybor, Marty Klubeck, Ryan Knowlton, Mary Kocks, Anne Kolaczyk, Rob Kolic, Nate Krakowski, Jessica Langanger, Todd Lemons, Rebecca Leneway, Dan Lewis, JiaJia Ma, Lisa MacKenzie, Allison Malecki, Divya Manda, Tom Marentette, Shelin Mathews, Michael McFadden, Laurie McGowan, Keith McIndoo, Allison Mihalich, Krista Moats, Sherry Morrill, Elizabeth Nicholson, Deana Northern, Beth Padgett, Dennis Park, Julie Pawlak, Geoff Paydon, Chau-Ly Phan, Laura Picking, Marcus Poling, Deanna Ponsler, Lori Pope, John Rzepczynski, Cheryl Schlimpert, Dana Schrader, Emily Scott, Scott Siler, Matt Smith, Patricia Sperry, Kevin Strite, Andrea Swanagan, Rachel Thiel, Ben Thompson, Donna Thompson, Carine Umutesi, Erin Thornton, Kathryn Valenti, Miranda VanNevel, Lenette Votava, Jake Wallick, Amber Walter, Lisa Weinberg, Amy Williams, Aviva Wulfsohn, Jing Xia, Jiayu Zhou, Elizabeth Zickgraf

Change Management 101: Shift Happens

In this session, you will be guided through a change scenario where you’ll uncover the secrets of successful change. Learn to use the ADKAR framework, a powerful tool that helps you understand how people experience change. You’ll leave with a better understanding of the change process and add new skills to your change repertoire.

ND Cost: $0 per participant

Length of course: 2 hours

Size of course: 12-15 participants

Change Management Employee Orientation

Whether you’re implementing a small process change or a high-investment strategic paradigm shift, you will only be as effective as your employees’ willingness and ability to adapt. Using the Prosci ADKAR Model, our Change Management Employee Orientation mitigates employee resistance by preparing them for change. This program addresses employee concerns and equips them with the skills and framework necessary to thrive through change. The program is most effective when employees impacted by the same changes attend the program together.

ND Cost: $95 per participant

Length of course: 6-8 hours

Size of course: 30 participants

Leading Your Team Through Change

Managers are the first example that employees look to when they need to adopt a change or understand how a change affects them personally. This instructor-led workshop is designed to help people managers proactively lead teams through change. You’ll learn how to define and accept your role in change, plus gain practical frameworks for becoming an effective change leader. This course is intended for anyone who manages employees, from front-line supervisors to middle managers to senior directors.

ND Cost: $350 per participant

Length of course: 6 hours

Size of course: 16 participants

Sponsor Briefing

Effective executive sponsorship is the greatest contributor to successful change, according to all ten of
Prosci’s benchmarking studies. Yet 50% of executives don’t understand their sponsorship roles and how
to lead effective change. The Sponsor Briefing helps bridge this gap by clarifying the sponsor’s role during change, providing easy-to-use frameworks, and building a critical connection between effective change management and business results. This course is intended for organizational leaders who are leading change and need to understand their sponsor roles so they can deliver effective, meaningful change with measurable results.

ND Cost: $300 per participant

Length of course: 6 hours

Size of course: 10 participants

Taking Charge of Change

This workshop delivers the fundamental concepts of change management and establishes how effective
change management can benefit your organization. It applies five tenets of change management to a
specific project or change initiative to build awareness and desire for change management—the first two
milestones in the Prosci ADKAR Model. This course is intneded for Senior leadership evaluating how change management can benefit their organization; High-potential leaders who need a better understanding of change management; Key stakeholder groups who are impacted by significant organizational changes; Change agents who need to understand fundamental concepts and establish a common language with change practitioners; Project teams who need to understand what it means to apply change management.

ND Cost: $225 per participant

Length of course: 6 hours

Size of course: 30 participants

Delivering Project Results

Prosci’s Delivering Project Results Workshop uses your active projects to help project managers and
change practitioners find a common language for successfully integrating change. This results-oriented
workshop digs into the intent, objectives, scope, workstreams, milestones, deliverables and timelines of
your project to help project managers and teams adapt to change and understand its benefits. This course is intended for Project managers in charge of current projects, intact project teams, and project team members. The program also benefits anyone looking to effectively head up future projects within their organization.

ND Cost: $225 per participant

Length of course: 6 hours

Size of course: 10-25 participants