Prototype Feedback

Solution 1: Animal Volunteering

  • Positive feedback
    • Provide more incentives (i.e. bus passes) in exchange for volunteering
    • Every user we interviewed strongly liked the idea
    • Unique solution, unlike any current service provided
  • Negative feedback
    • May need more of an incentive to volunteer (i.e. bus passes)

Solution 2: Mentor Program

  • Positive feedback
    • Some users thought they would only connect with the mentor if they had previously been homeless/drug addict
    • Some users are not looking to connect with people one-on-one
    • Some users were hesitant that the relationship would be “artificial” and “forced”
  • Negative Feedback
    • Most users did not have strong reactions to the idea – neither loving nor hating it

Solution 3: Exercise

  • Positive feedback
    • Younger user (age 22) liked the idea of having an instructor
  • Negative feedback
    • Old male user (age 49) liked the idea, but wanted to work out alone, not in a class
    • Most users believed it would be intimidating and lacked interest in trying it
    • Most users did not value exercise