Ethnography Summary – Marcus


Date: 3/29/17

Type: Individual Interview

Location: In person

Team Participants: Conducted interview alone

User Characteristics:

-Attends St. Joseph High School


-16 years old

-Struggles with math

Memorable Quotes:

“I love going to the club. I try and go at least three times a week.”

“My friends and I usually carpool and switch off who drives to the club each day.”

Top 3 Learnings:

  1. The kids realize as they get older that the club acts as a great resource if they’re having trouble in school.
  2. Having access to a car on a daily basis is a significant contributor to their attendance at the club.
  3. Creating strong relationships between the volunteers/employees and the kids is very important.

Key Insight: Connecting the kids with one another that attend the same school could greatly help the transportation issues that many kids have. They are able to carpool and not rely so heavily on their parents every night. Also, keeping a good balance between fun and school is key in keeping the older kids interested in going to the club.