#1 Sept. 1, 2016: Grubbs_etal_SelfStruggleAndSoul_2016
#2 Sept. 8, 2016: Young_etal_1998_Spirituality_Cognitive_Moral_Purpose
#3 Sept. 15, 2016: Moral Ties that Bind
#4 Sept. 22, 2016: Simsek I feel unique therefor I am Development of PSU scale
#5 Sept. 29, 2016: Psychological Science-2016-Watson-Jones-34-42
#6 Oct. 6, 2016: Park-stand-tall-but-dont-put-feet-up
#7 Nov. 3, 2016: individual-differences-in-religiosity-as-a-function-of-cognitive-style-and-cognitive-ability
#8 Nov. 10, 2016: PoliticsAndFacebook_2011
#9 Nov. 17, 2016: desrosiers-kelley-miller-2010-parent-and-peer-relationships-and-relational-spirituality
#10 Dec. 1, 2016: barber-et-al-2012
#11 Dec. 8, 2016: schlotman-thesis-intro-and-methods-draft