BURFIT-80, a prototype radio-frequency ion thruster, is designed, built and tested
at the Bogazici University Space Technologies Laboratory. This paper presents the design parameters and numerous design improvements of this thruster. Three different versions of the thruster, with the same discharge chamber inner diameter of 80 mm, have been built and tested. The latest version of this prototype thruster presents significant improvements of the DC electrical connections to the grids and RF electrical connections to the RF antenna. For the second version of the thruster, plume ion energy distribution measurements are conducted using an indigenously developed retarding potential analyzer, and some of the measurement results are presented.
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53rd Joint Propulsion Conference, Atlanta, GA, July 2017, also AIAA-2017-4891.
Some figures from the paper:

If you are interested please see US Patent Number 10,119,527, to see videos and the website for the only one that can lift and carry its power supply onboard.