
NanoElEctronic Devices and Systems (NEEDS)

The nanoelectronic devices and systems group is working on emerging nanoelectronic devices that empowering the next generation electronics. It encompasses vertically integrated efforts spanning from integration of novel functional materials into the new nanoelectronic devices and exploring exciting applications in various domains. Such integrated efforts can enable a new era of scaling, Hyper-Scaling.

In this group, we are utilizing the novel materials, such as ferroelectric, resistive switching, oxide thin-film, and phase transition materials, etc. to design new devices (ferroelectric FET, resistive RAM, thin-film transistor ,etc.), which could greatly accelerate the deployment of Artificial Intelligence, transform the memory hierarchy, revolutionize computing paradigms, and safeguard human’s space explorations. We believe that the electronic revolution lies in the bottom level, just like the invention of transistor brings the digital age.

Our Interest

Our research interests lie in nanoelectronic devices enabling novel computing paradigms and storage technologies. In particular, we are interested in design of nanoelectronic devices for Artificial Intelligence accelerator, targeting at not only deep learnings but life-long learning and learning to learn general Artificial Intelligence. We are also interested in exploring unconventional computing by harnessing the novel functionalities of emerging devices, for example, Ising Machine for optimization problems, dynamical systems for computational hard problems, and hardware security etc. Additionally, we are interested in exploring unconventional electronics. Another area is reliable and radiation hard electronics for Space Electronics. All these research efforts manifest a new exciting hyperscaling era to come, enabled by all these functional augmentation of today’s technology!